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dc.identifier.citationKumitat taċ-Ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-25 Anniversarju ta' l-Indipendenza (1989). European festival of music & dance 1989 : 25th anniversary of Malta's independence, [Programme]. Manoel Theatre, Valletta.en_GB
dc.descriptionTwo copies of programme included, one with featured guitarist Cerles M. Eroles' signature, and the other without. Both programmes include list of organisations presenting the European Festival of Music and Dance 1989, list of acknowledgements, list of featured events, and note on the creation and development of the European Commission and European Council. Programmes were found stored separately with programme for Cerles M. Eroles' guitar concert (archival no. 1227) and with programme for Alexander Baillie's and Andrew Ball's cello and piano recital (archival no. 1243) respectively in archival records. Retrieved from the Manoel theatre records.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe Spanish, Italian, and French Embassies, the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, the British High Commission, the Botschast Der Bundesrepublika Deutschland, and the Alliance Française de Malte present the programme for the performance items held in celebration of the European Festival of Music and Dance 1989, and the 25th Anniversary of Malta's Independence. The events were held between the 9th of October and the 19th of December, 1989, at Manoel Theatre, in Valletta, and the Cathedral Museum, in Mdina.en_GB
dc.subjectManoel Theatre (Valletta, Malta)en_GB
dc.subjectMdina Metropolitan Cathedral Museum (Mdina, Malta)en_GB
dc.subjectIndependence Day, 1964 -- Anniversaries, etc.en_GB
dc.subjectConcert programs -- Malta -- 20th centuryen_GB
dc.subjectMusic -- Malta -- 20th centuryen_GB
dc.subjectDance -- Malta -- 20th centuryen_GB
dc.titleEuropean festival of music & dance 1989 : 25th anniversary of Malta's independence (Programme)en_GB
dc.title.alternativeEuropean festival of music & dance 1989en_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorKumitat taċ-Ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-25 Anniversarju ta' l-Indipendenzaen_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorMalta. Ambaxxata (Spain)en_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorMalta. Ambaxxata (Italy)en_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorIstituto Italiano di Culturaen_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorMalta. Maltese High Commission (Great Britain)en_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorBotschast Der Bundesrepublika Deutschlanden_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorMalta. Ambaxxata (France)en_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorAlliance Française de Malteen_GB
Appears in Collections:Teatru Manoel Miscellanea - SchPATM

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
(1989) European Festival of Music & Dance Programme v1 (w_ 1227).pdfWith featured guitarist Cerles M. Eroles' signature1.32 MBAdobe PDFView/Open
(1989) European Festival of Music & Dance Programme v2 (w_ 1243).pdfWithout featured guitarist Cerles M. Eroles' signature1.4 MBAdobe PDFView/Open

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