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Title: An FPGA implementation of an adaptive data reduction technique for wireless sensor networks
Authors: Borg, Nicholas Paul
Debono, Carl James
Keywords: Wireless sensor networks
Field programmable gate arrays
Energy consumption
Adaptive filters
Issue Date: 2008-11
Publisher: University of Malta
Citation: Borg, N. P., & Debono, C. J. (2008). An FPGA implementation of an adaptive data reduction technique for wireless sensor networks. Workshop in Information and Communication Technology, Malta. 1-7.
Abstract: Wireless sensor networking (WSN) is an emerging technology that has a wide range of potential applications including environment monitoring, surveillance, medical systems, and robotic exploration. These networks consist of large numbers of distributed nodes that organize themselves into a multihop wireless network. Each node is equipped with one or more sensors, embedded processors, and low- power radios, and is normally battery operated. Reporting constant measurement updates incurs high communication costs for each individual node, resulting in a significant communication overhead and energy consumption. A solution to reduce power requirements is to select, among all data produced by the sensor network, a subset of sensor readings that is relayed to the user such that the original observation data can be reconstructed within some user-defined accuracy. This paper describes the implementation of an adaptive data reduction algorithm for WSN, on a Xilinx Spartan-3E FPGA. A feasibility study is carried out to determine the benefits of this solution.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacICTCCE

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