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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 117
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Regulation of CD4+NKG2D+ Th1 cells in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with sorafenib : role of IL-15Rα and NKG2D triggeringRomero, Ana I.; Chaput, Nathalie; Poirier-Colame, Vichnou; Rusakiewicz, Sylvie; Jacquelot, Nicolas; Chaba, Kariman; Mortier, Erwan; Jacques, Yannick; Caillat-Zucman, Sophie; Flament, Caroline; Caignard, Anne; Messaoudene, Meriem; Auperin, Anne; Vielh, Philippe; Dessen, Philippe; Porta, Camillo; Mateus, Christine; Ayyoub, Maha; Valmor, Danila; Eggermont, Alexander; Robert, Caroline; Zitvogel, Laurence
1996-06Passive inhalation of cannabis smoke : a novel defence strategy?Busuttil, Anthony; Obafunwa, John; Bulgin, S.
1969-11Insidious rheumatic carditis and athletic activitiesVassallo, Luis
1962Further comparative studies of the action of demethylchlortetracycline and of tetracyclyne hydrochloride on brucella melitensis and on salmonella typhiAgius, Emanuel
1993Public health lecture notesGalea, Gauden; Agius, Francis
1960-02Bacteraemia in human brucellosisGanado, Walter; Bannister, William
1971An outbreak of lead poisoning of bread in Malta : interesting association with British naval historyVassallo, Luis
2013European guidelines for quality assurance in colorectal cancer screening and diagnosis : overview and introduction to the full supplement publicationEuropean Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines Working Group
2013International comparisons of fetal and neonatal mortality rates in high-income countries : should exclusion thresholds be based on birth weight or gestational age?Mohangoo, Ashna D.; Blondel, Béatrice; Gissler, Mika; Velebil, Petr; Macfarlane, Alison; Zeitlin, Jennifer
2013A new role for P2X4 receptors as modulators of lung surfactant secretionMiklavc, Pika; Thompson, Kristin E.; Frick, Manfred
2013Twenty-year trends in the prevalence of Down syndrome and other trisomies in Europe : impact of maternal age and prenatal screeningLoane, Maria; Morris, Joan K.; Addor, Marie-Claude; Arriola, Larraitz; Budd, Judith; Doray, Berenice; Garne, Ester; Gatt, Miriam; Haeusler, Martin; Khoshnood, Babak; Klungsøyr Melve, Kari; Latos-Bielenska, Anna; McDonnell, Bob; Mullaney, Carmel; O'Mahony, Mary; Queier-Wahrendorf, Annette; Rankin, Judith; Rissmann, Anke; Rounding, Catherine; Salvador, Joaquin; Tucker, David; Wellesley, Diana; Yevtushok, Lyubov; Dolk, Helen
2013The rise of carbapenem resistance in Europe : just the tip of the iceberg?Magiorakos, Anna-Pelagia; Suetens, Carl; Monnet, Dominique Louis; Gagliotti, Carlo; Heuer, Ole E.
2013Survival of European patients diagnosed with myeloid malignancies : a HAEMACARE studyMaynadié, Marc; Angelis, Roberta De; Marcos-Gragera, Rafael; Visser, Otto; Allemani, Claudia; Tereanu, Carmen; Capocaccia, Riccardo; Giacomin, Adriano; Lutz, Jean-Michel; Martos, Carmen; Sankila, Risto; Børge Johannesen, Tom; Simonetti, Arianna; Sant, Milena
2010Carbapenem-non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae in Europe : conclusions from a meeting of national expertsGrundmann, H.; Livermore, D. M.; Giske, C. G.; Canton, R.; Rossolini, G. M.; Campos, J.; Vatopoulos, A.; Gniadkowski, M.; Caruana, Paul
2010A new coral-associated decapod assemblage from the upper Miocene (Messinian) upper coralline limestone of Malta (Central Mediterranean)Gatt, Michael; Angeli, Antonio De
2011Development and validation of a screening questionnaire for noise-induced hearing lossRosso, M.; Agius, Raymond M.; Calleja, Neville
2012An international comparative family medicine study of the Transition Project data from the Netherlands, Malta and Serbia. Is family medicine an international discipline? Comparing diagnostic odds ratios across populationsSoler, Jean Karl; Okkes, Inge; Oskam, Sibo; Boven, Kees van; Zivotic, Predrag; Jevtic, Milan; Dobbs, Frank; Lamberts, Henk; Transition Project
2012An international comparative family medicine study of the Transition Project data from the Netherlands, Malta and Serbia. Is family medicine an international discipline? Comparing incidence and prevalence rates of reasons for encounter and diagnostic titles of episodes of care across populationsSoler, Jean Karl; Okkes, Inge; Oskam, Sibo; Boven, Kees van; Zivotic, Predrag; Jevtic, Milan; Dobbs, Frank; Lamberts, Henk; Transition Project
2012Copeptin and its potential role in diagnosis and prognosis of various diseasesDobša, Lidija; Cullen Edozien, Kido
2012An international comparative family medicine study of the Transition Project data from the Netherlands, Malta, Japan and Serbia. An analysis of diagnostic odds ratios aggregated across age bands, years of observation and individual practicesSoler, Jean Karl; Okkes, Inge; Oskam, Sibo; Boven, Kees van; Zivotic, Predrag; Jevtic, Milan; Dobbs, Frank; Lamberts, Henk; Transition Project
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 117