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Title: Caxaro's Cantilena : a checkpoint for change in Maltese
Authors: Cowan, William
Keywords: Maltese language -- Foreign elements -- Arabic
Maltese language -- Phonemics
Linguistic change -- Malta
Maltese language -- Dialects
Issue Date: 1975
Publisher: University of Malta
Citation: Cowen, W. (1975). Caxaro's Cantilena : a checkpoint for change in Maltese. Journal of Maltese Studies, 10, 4-10.
Abstract: This article explains the change in Maltese language, emphasizing on Peter Caxaro's Cantilena, discovered by Wettinger and Fsadni in 1966. Peter Caxaro's Cantilena turns out not only to be an early text, but is the earliest text so far discovered of Maltese, It must have been composed before the year 1485, the year of Caxaro's death, and could have been composed as much as 40 years earlier. It is therefore potentially valuable as an indicator of what had and what had not changed by Caxaro's time in the process of Arabic becoming Maltese. Therefore, the author focuses on the changes of the Maltese language since Caxaro's death.
Appears in Collections:JMS, Volume 10
JMS, Volume 10

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