Dissertations - FacEMAEco - 1971-2010 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 324
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Water and agriculture in a competitive environmentMuscat, Alexander (2005)
2008The future of subsidised welfare services for the elderly in MaltaMuscat, Claire (2008)
1976The economics of fish farmingSchembri, Peter (1976)
2009The liberalisation of the taxi services market in MaltaMula, Alexia (2009)
1971The administrative problems of the Yacht Marina in MaltaSciberras, Carmel G. (1971)
2005Encouraging the use of alternative sources of energy for electricity generationPerici, Christine (2005)
1977Wage formation in MaltaSchembri, Charles G. (1977)
2007The effects of the Euro adoption on the Maltese trade with the Euro areaMizzi, Tyrone (2007)
2007The role and impact of European Union decentralised funds 2007-2013 on Malta's economyMiller, Kirsten M. (2007)
2004Over-investment in a monopoly situation : the case of Malta's national airlineMifsud, Daniel (2004)
2001Measuring cost effectiveness of local wardens in MaltaMifsud, Annabelle (2001)
2004Are the social housing schemes still relevant for Malta?Mercieca, Elaine Cynthia (2004)
2005Wage bargaining and the competitiveness of the Maltese economyMercieca, Analise (2005)
2009An assessment of the privatisation of the Malta Stock ExchangeMansueto, Gabriel (2009)
2009The relationship between vocational education and training (VET) and manpower for SMEsManicaro, Christian (2009)
2009Banking intermediation and economic growth : the case for MaltaMamo, Christian (2009)
1975The Maltese textile industry and the export marketsScerri, Mario (1975)
1975Contemporary European migrationSaliba, Rene' G. (1975)
1996The effective tariff rate for Malta prior and post to the introduction of VAT in 1995Said, Adrian (1996)
2005Price competition in supermarkets in MaltaInglott, Jessica (2005)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 324

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