Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1997 | Is Malta overtaxed? | Tonna, Claire (1997) |
1976 | Unemployment and job vacancies in Malta | Tedesco, Maria (1976) |
1977 | Offshore financial centres | Tabone, Joseph R. (1977) |
1994 | Towards the re-structuring of the new, international, economic order | Strickland, Ella (1994) |
1994 | Union power in Malta : determinants and extent | Spiteri, Lara (1994) |
1975 | Problems facing Malta industrialisation efforts | Spiteri, Joseph R. (1975) |
1977 | The hotel industry in Malta : an appraisal of ownership and risk | Spiteri, Angela (1977) |
1977 | Some features of the Maltese fishing industry with special reference to the dolphin fish and sword fish | Sciriha, Michael (1977) |
1993 | The public debt : growth, debt financing and implications | Scicluna, Rita (1993) |
1975 | The contribution of agriculture to the development of the Maltese economy, with special reference to the local dairy industry | Scicluna, Maria Victoria (1975) |
1975 | A manpower forecasting approach to educational planning in Malta | Scicluna, Edward J. (1975) |
1997 | The role of the treasury in the implementation of fiscal policy in Malta | Sciberras, Jacques (1997) |
2010 | Measuring Malta's international price competitiveness in the manufacturing and tourism sectors through the effective exchange rate indices | Rapa, Noel (2010) |
1974 | The development of economic planning in Malta | Spiteri, Paul V. (1974) |
1971 | The economic viability of domestic-oriented industries in Malta | Stivala, Anne R. (1971) |
1978 | Some aspects of tourist spending in Malta | Stivala, Francis (1978) |
2008 | The implications of the Euro for risk management in the manufacturing sector | Psaila, Andre` (2008) |
2002 | Reducing compliance costs : the role of regulatory impact assessments | Portelli, Andrew (2002) |
2007 | The future of the VAT as a source of revenue in the European Union | Polidano, Raniero (2007) |
2000 | An economic analysis of the removal of levies on the Maltese manufacturing industry | Pace, Christopher (2000) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 324