Dissertations - FacEMAEco - 1971-2010 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 324
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005An analysis of the recruitment and selection procedures within the Maltese public serviceCarbonaro, Michelle (2005)
2004Malta and northern Ireland : a study into political divisions and their consequencesBaldacchino, Georgina (2004)
2005The impact of rent regulation on housing market in MaltaAttard, Ramona (2005)
1999The TEFL market in Malta : an evaluation of customer satisfaction characteristicsCuschieri, Simon (1999)
1976Public assistance in MaltaZerafa, Maria A. (1976)
1994Exchange rate liberalizationZerafa, Godwin (1994)
1995Malta's accession to EU : the economic effects of the free movement of labourZammit, Pierre (1995)
1972The development of the local dairy industry and its impact on the national economyZammit, Joseph (1972)
1976The North African export market for MaltaZammit, Lawrence (1976)
1976The role of multinational companies in the economic development of MaltaZammit, John (1976)
1975The economic significance of fish and fisheries in MaltaZammit, Eliseus Louis (1975)
1994Plans, policies and strategies of the Maltese governments : 1960-1990Zammit, Charmaine (1994)
1972The role of government in the process of industrialisation and growthZammit, J. A. (1972)
1994A critique of the compilation of Malta's balance of payments statisticsVella, Silvio (1994)
1976On locating electronics industry in Malta : a case study on the location of manufacturing industry in MaltaZahra, Joseph F. X. (1976)
1972The role of the merchant banks in transforming Malta into a financial centreVella, Michael (1972)
1995The relationship between Malta's trade policy and the external trade account 1980-1995Zahra, Anna (1995)
1972Economic policy and development with special reference to MaltaScotto, Roger (1972)
1975Some socio-economic aspects of urbanization : Mdina case studyVella, E. (1975)
1973Malta's tourist marketingTabone, Valenzia (1973)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 324

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