Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2003 | Strategy of monetary policy : observations from Germany and Italy | Saiti, Anna |
2003 | DU PONT ratio : a comprehensive measure of business performance | Courtis, Panayiotis G. |
2003 | Does public investment crowd out private investment? Evidence on investment and growth in Asia, 1971-2000 | Naqvi, Naveed Hassan; Tsoukis, Christopher |
2003 | Market trend, company size and microstructure characteristics of intraday stock price formations | Alexakis, Christos A.; Xanthakis, Emmanouil |
2003 | Trade openness and aggregate productive efficiency | Chortareas, Georgios E.; Desli, Evangelia; Pelagidis, Theodore |
2003 | Degrees of integration in international portfolio diversification : effective systemic risk | Thalassinos, Eleftherios; Kiriazidis, Theo |
2003 | The characteristics of R&D performers | Papadogonas, Theodore A. |
2003 | Technical analysis seems to be a valuable investment tool in the Athens and Frankfurt stock exchanges | Glezakos, Michalis; Mylonas, Petros |
2003 | Business ethics, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance : a review and summary critique | Donaldson, John; Fafaliou, Irene |
2003 | An investigation of CSR orientations among Greek university students | Walker, Robyn; Kanellopoulos, Charalambos; Papanayiotou, Maria; Vitalis, Antonios |
2003 | Capital flight in the 1990s – lessons from E. Europe | Antzoulatos, Angelos Adonis; Sampaniotis, Theodosios |
2003 | An international comparison of long-run consumer behaviour | Stewart, Chris |