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Title: A note on evidence for LL>DD in Maltese onomastics
Authors: Fiorini, Stanley
Keywords: Onomastics -- Malta
Maltese language -- Foreign elements
Maltese language -- Dialects
Issue Date: 1990
Publisher: University of Malta
Citation: Fiorini, S. (1990). A note on evidence for LL>DD in Maltese onomastics. Journal of Maltese Studies, 19-20, 24-26.
Abstract: During the conference Malta - Sicilia: Contiguita Linguistica e Culturale held in Malta in April 1986, G. Brincat read a paper showing how the Maltese dundjan (turkey), derived from gallu Ndjan via gaddu Ndjan, is quite a unique occurrence in the Maltese language of the linguistic phenomenon ll > dd, common in neighbouring Sicily. In the ensuing discussion, the possible existence of further evidence for ll > dd from Maltese onomastics was brought up. The object of this note is to substantiate claims made then, exhibiting chronologically what evidence has been gleaned to date from Maltese documentation, and indicating, from the admittedly scanty material, how reactions to this phenomenon varied with time.
Appears in Collections:JMS, Volume 19-20
JMS, Volume 19-20
Scholarly Works - InsMS

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