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dc.contributor.authorGatt, Suzanne-
dc.identifier.citationGatt, S. (2018). Systems of Knowledge : strategies in challenging the current perceptions through improvement of lecturing strategies. Symposia Melitensia, 14, 293-305en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis paper is the result of a practitioner research into the current teaching and learning of Systems of Knowledge, a compulsory subject, which is treated as an added burden. Consequently SOK is often deemed as a negative experience which steals time from other chosen subjects. The solutions lie in challenging this role. Rather than an inconvenience, SOK should be perceived as complementary to the students’ post-secondary educational experience. The vast syllabus should not be used as an excuse not to seek improvement in effective teaching methods. I am researching and implementing pedagogical strategies that enhance engagement and relevance. Skills-based lectures, within the framework for 21st-century learning and life-long learning policies is one strategy employed so far. Content remains important; however’ it is integrated with skills that students usually need for their everyday life and to tackle their subjects. This research is an introductory step but is indicative of the way forward. When students see the relevance of a subject in their studies and their lives, they own it, appreciate it and feel engaged.en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Malta. Junior Collegeen_GB
dc.subjectSystems of Knowledge (SOK) -- Study and teaching -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectTeaching -- Methodology -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectStudy skillsen_GB
dc.subjectActive learning -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectAction research -- Maltaen_GB
dc.titleSystems of Knowledge : strategies in challenging the current perceptions through improvement of lecturing strategiesen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.bibliographicCitation.conferenceplaceUniversity of Malta Junior College : 18-20/09/2017en_GB
dc.publication.titleSymposia Melitensiaen_GB
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEduECPE
Scholarly Works - JCSOK
SymMel, 2018, Volume 14
SymMel, 2018, Volume 14

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