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Mediterranean seascapes

Proceedings of an International Conference held in Malta in conjunction with Euromed Heritage II, Navigation du Savoir Project (Valletta, 2004)

Edited by: Dr. Simon Mercieca

Simon Mercieca

Pietro Maniscalco

Anton Quintano

Godfrey Wettinger

Xavier Labat Saint Vincent

Henry Frendo

Salvatore Giannino

Joseph Muscat

Francesco Frasca

Giovanni Murgia

Alessandra Stanganelli

Antoine Laurent Serpentini

Gloria Lolivier Rahola

John A. Schembri

Maria Attard

Vivian Storlund

Published by Malta University Publishers Ltd.

Published in 2006

Copyright © Simon Mercieca 2006

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Manoel Island : an island with a fort …and a futureSchembri, John A.; Attard, Maria
2006Time to give artists their due – a matter of perceptionStorlund, Vivan
2006L’olivier dans le patrimoine de la MediterraneeLolivier Rahola, Gloria
2006Ship graffiti in Malta 1500-1900Muscat, Joseph
2006Un projet d’implantation coloniale maltaise en Corse dans la deuxieme moitie du XVIII siecleSerpentini, Antoine Laurent
2006La conflittualita delle citta nel Regno Sardo e nella Corona d’Aragona in eta moderna non rivolte ne rivoluzioni ma conflittiStanganelli, Alessandra
2006Paura corsara e problemi di difesa nel Regno di Sardegna tra cinque e seicentoMurgia, Giovanni
2006La Battaglia del Nilo : il trionfo della Royal NavyFrasca, Francesco
2006Les grands navires de la RenaissanceSalvatore, Giannino
2006La tentative avortee de la prise de Malte par les Francais en mars 1798 : ordres, contrordres et ambiguites de la politique mediterraneenne du DirectoireLabat Saint Vincent, Xavier
2006Black African slaves in MaltaWettinger, Godfrey
2006The Malta shipyard : infrastructural developments during the 18th centuryQuintano, Anton
2006The arsenal of Palermo – a short overviewManiscalco, Pietro
2006Introduction : conjectures on a Mediterranean road map through the salon of the Navigation du Savoir projectMercieca, Simon
2007La navigation du savoir project and the search of Malta’s late medieval ship-shedMercieca, Simon
2006The Gibraltar-Malta nexus : two European Mediterranean identities in onetime fortress portsFrendo, Henry
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16