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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1877The fishes of Malta with their Maltese, Italian and English names and seasonCrispo-Barbaro, George
1931The fishing industry in Malta : with suggestions for its further developmentHornell, James
2007Is-sajda t-tajbaFarrugia Randon, Stanley
2006Is-sajd mill-irdumijiet fl-inħawi ta' SannatAzzopardi, George
2005Is-sajd mill-irdumijiet fl-inħawi ta’ SannatAzzopardi, George
2015Salvatore Ellul Bonici u x-xbieki tat-Tunnara : 6 ta’ Ottubru 1908Muscat, Jimmy
1961La peche au "kannizzati" = The "kannizzati" fisheryGalea, J. A.
1991Hazardous Mediterranean fish : an illustrated guide / by Louis ZammitZammit, Louis
2011Echec et MaltePfyffer, Julien
1987Effects of exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons on the gill functions and ciliary activities of a marine bivalveAxiak, Victor; George, J.J.
n.d.Cattura di due esemplari di Chelone mydas Schw. nei mari di MaltaDespott, Giuseppe
1989A laboratory study of the behavioural responses of Littorina Neritoides (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in relation to its zonation on Maltese shores (Central Mediterranean)Grech, Michael; Schembri, Patrick J.
2003-12Revision of the records of shark and ray species from the Maltese Islands (Chordata : Chondrichthyes)Schembri, Titian; Schembri, Patrick J.; Fergusson, Ian K.
1983-09Monitoring of swarming by ScyhomedusaeAxiak, Victor
2000-01The effects of a marine fish-farm on the species richness and abundance of molluscs, decapods and echinoderms associated with a "Posidonia oceanica" meadow in Malta (Central Mediterranean)Dimech, Mark; Borg, Joseph A.; Schembri, Patrick J.
1966Ecological studies on Paracentrotus lividusGamble, J.C.
1966The behaviour of octopuis vulgaris Lam. in its natural habitat : a pilot studyAltman, J. S.
1966Observations on the behaviour of the grouper species Epinephelus guaza and E. alexandrinus (Serranidae)Neill, S.R.St.J.
2008Monitoring of environmental impacts of marine aquacultureKarakassis, Ioannis; Holmer, Marianne; Borg, Joseph A.; Schembri, Patrick J.; Kupka Hansen, Pia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 19 of 19