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Title: The effects of a marine fish-farm on the species richness and abundance of molluscs, decapods and echinoderms associated with a "Posidonia oceanica" meadow in Malta (Central Mediterranean)
Authors: Dimech, Mark
Borg, Joseph A.
Schembri, Patrick J.
Keywords: Fish-farms -- Malta
Invertebrates -- Malta
Posidonia oceanica
Pollution -- Malta
Invertebrates -- Mediterranean
Animals -- Malta
Issue Date: 2000-01
Publisher: Societa Italiana di Biologia Marina (SIBM)
Citation: Biologia Marina Mediterranea. 2000, Vol. 7(2), p.357-360
Abstract: The composition of the echinoderm, mollusc and decapod assemblages associated with a Posidonia oceanica meadow located close to a fish-farm varied with distance from the cages Three ecological zones were identified. The intermediate zone II (40-160m from the cages) had a higher species richness and abundance than either zones I (nearest the cages) and III (320m from the cages), probably due to the higher production resulting from a moderate level of nutrient enrichment at intermediate distances from the source of pollution.
Appears in Collections:Melitensia Works - ERCAgrAFA
Scholarly Works - FacSciBio

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