Think Magazine, Issue 26 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018THINK : Issue 26 : December 2018Duca, Edward; Camilleri, Cassi
2018Editorial : TechnologyDuca, Edward; Camilleri, Cassi
2018-12Come here!Camilleri, Cassi; Gualeni, Stefano
2018-12Protecting prisoners from radicalisationScalpello, Michela
2018-12Small islands, big researchMoncada, Stefano
2018Waste’s carbon footprintCamilleri Fenech, Margaret
2018Blockchain : not just bitcoinDrago, Aldo
2018-12Conserving brushstrokesBonnici, Laura; Cassar, JoAnn; Porter, Jennifer; Pasian, Chiara; De Angelis, Roberta
2018-12The rise of academic entrepreneursHavasi, Andras
2018-12Can the EU empower women in Afghanistan?Zammit, Rebecca
2018-12What’s lurking on your lunch?Griffin, Sholeem; Jones, Becky Catrin
2018-12Bursting the RRI bubbleCamilleri, Cassi
2018Analysing the building blocks : gene sequencing for disease treatmentFarrugia, Rosienne
2018-12A theory of enterpriseDuca, Edward; Smith, Russell
2018-12Policing the seasCallan, Kirsty; Borg Costanzi, Dawn
2018-12The time [for contemporary art] is now!Delia, Joanna
2018-12The Maltese time machine : magna zmienPace, Andrew
2018-12Up, up and awayGalea, Abigail
2018-12Finding the soul in the machineReljic, Teodor; Hadziselimovic, Adnan
2018-12Food, gender and climate changeMwamulima, Precious Shola
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 22

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