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Title: Gabra ta' poeziji - minn Daniel Massa
Authors: Massa, Daniel
Keywords: Maltese poetry -- 20th century
Maltese literature -- 20th century
Massa, Daniel, 1937-
Issue Date: 1970
Publisher: Union Press
Citation: Massa, D. (1970). Ġabra ta’ poeżiji. In M. Azzopardi., V. Fenech., O. Friggieri, & D. Massa, Analiżi’70 - poeżiji, it-tielet kwartett (pp. 75-95). Malta: Union Press.
Abstract: Ġabra ta’ poeżiji miktuba minn Daniel Massa fil-ktieb Analiżi’70 (It-tielet kwartett).
Appears in Collections:Analiżi '70 (poeżiji)

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