Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | The development of blockchain technology in Russia : outlook and trends | Karapetyan, M. E.; Timoshenko, L. P.; Stroganov, I. A.; Pronina, I. V. |
2019 | Transformation of approaches to determine influence factors in the economic development models | Ihnatenko, M. M.; Marmul, L. O.; Ushakov, Denis S.; Kuchyn, S. P. |
2019 | The effect of customer’s orientation of service employee on customer’s satisfaction of health services | Lestari, Sri Isfantin Puji; Ambarwati, Retnoning; Agustina, Titien; Muryani, Endang; Andriani, Andriani; Alfani, Muhammad |
2019 | Influence of social factors on the reproduction of human capital | Sycheva, I. N.; Skripleva, E. V.; Dunets, A. N.; Vorozheykina, T. M.; Luzenina, I. N.; Khoruzhaya, S. V. |
2019 | The organizational-economic mechanism for the development of integration processes in the production and processing of products | Voronkova, Olka Yu.; Sorokina, V. V.; Baburin, S. V. |
2019 | The impact of organizational commitment on job performance | Suharto; Suyanto; Hendri, Nedi |
2019 | Regional aspects of sectoral digitalization : problems and prospects | Popova, L. I.; Demina, I. D.; Stepanenko, Y. S.; Tran, Q. N.; Meshkova, G. V.; Afonasova, M. A. |
2019 | Problems and prospects of human capital development in modern Russia | Kuznetsova, Irina G.; Bulyga, R. P.; Rakhmatullina, L. V.; Titova, S. V.; Shichiyakh, R. A.; Zakirov, R. A. |
2019 | Sustainable development of territories based on the integrated use of industry, resource and environmental potential | Voronkova, Olka Yu; Iakimova, L. A.; Frolova, I. I.; Shafranskaya, Ch. I.; Kamolov, S. G.; Prodanova, Natalya А. |
2019 | Basic principles of tourist services market segmentation | Goryushkina, Natalia E.; Gaifutdinova, T. V.; Logvina, E. V.; Redkin, A. G.; Kudryavtsev, V. V.; Shol, Y. N. |
2019 | Management of employees’ performance culture | Puluhulawa, Jusdin |
2019 | Analysis service on student satisfaction with motivation as moderating variable | Damaris, Alana; Surip, Ngadino; Setyadi, Antonius |
2019 | Service area coverage with economic infrastructure and accessibility by the local society | Wunarlan, Irwan |
2019 | Mediating effect of audit quality in relationship between auditor ethics and litigation : an empirical study | Agus, Andi; Ghozali, Imam |
2019 | Participation of society in a reconstruction fund model | Sriharini |
2019 | The corporate governance code and compliance by Maltese listed companies | Baldacchino, Peter J.; Vella, Claire; Grima, Simon |
2019 | Economic interaction between Malaysia and North Sumatra : an analysis with vector error correction model and granger causality | Nasi, Muhammad |
2019 | Social engineering strategy of entrepreneurship behavior of Indonesian migrant workers during the placement period | Mafruhah, Izza; Waridin, Waridin; Iskandar, Deden Dinar; Thohir, Mudjahirin |
2019 | Economic competition in Kosovo : an empirical analysis | Asllani, Gani; Spiteri, Jonathan V.; Grima, Simon |
2019 | Individualism and collectivism culture to audit judgement | Suryanto, Tulus; Thaib, Danial; Muliyati, Muliyati |