Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Low-cost green car purchase intention : measuring the role of brand image on perceived price and quality | Suhud, Usep; Willson, Greg |
2019 | Management and assessment of human performance toward service quality : the case of Kosovo’s public sector | Krasniqi, Ibrahim; Statovci, Bedri |
2019 | Property tax and local finance of Kosovo - an overview | Asllani, Gani; Grima, Simon |
2019 | Factors explaining the market discipline of sharia mutual funds from a behavioural finance perspective : a theoretical approach | Widyastuti, Umi; Febrian, Erie; Sutisna; Fitrijanti, Tettet |
2019 | Social constructs in predicting corruptive attitudes and behavior from theory of planned behavior perspective | Zulaikha; Basuki Hadiprajitn, Paulus T.; Ihlasul Amal, Muhammad |
2019 | Modelling the efficiency of the use of production and investment resources at the regional level : the case of Russia | Beklaryan, Gayane L.; Akopov, Andranik S. |
2019 | Evaluation of supply chain using hierarchical analysis | Timiryanova, Venera Maratovna |
2019 | Investigating consumer preference in banking services : a conjoint analysis study | Maulana, Dimas; Wiryono, Sudarso Kaderi; Purwanegara, Mustika Sufiati |
2019 | The role of firm size on bank liquidity and performance : a comparative study of domestic and foreign banks in Indonesia | Chabachib, M.; Yudha, Aji; Hersugondo, Hersugondo; Pamungkas, Imang Dapit; Udin, Udin |
2019 | The impact of accounting information system on the effectiveness of public enterprises : the case of Kosovo | Hashani Siqani, Shqipdona; Berisha Vokshi, Nexhmie |
2019 | The implications and relevance of a tax exemption for co-operatives : the case of a small European state | Baldacchino, Peter J.; Portelli, Julia; Grima, Simon |
2019 | The Eurasian economic union customs’ administration mechanism in the digital era | Vovchenko, N. G.; Ivanova, Olga Borisovna; Khapilin, A. F.; Khapilin, S. A. |
2019 | Motivation to transfer, supervisor support, proactive learning, and training transfer : testing interaction effects | Dewayani, Julitta; Ferdinand, Augusty |
2019 | Identification and adaptation of the Russian system of ownership relations into the modern world’s legal and economic spaces | Dmitriev, Oleg N. |
2019 | Optimizing the economic information transparency level of high-tech enterprises in the post-industrial globalized economy | Dmitriev, Oleg N.; Novikov, Sergey V. |
2019 | Managers’ perception on public organizations’ performance and new public management during economic crises | Akrivos, Christodoulos K. |
2019 | The impact of tourism on business development in mountain regions : a case study | Putkaradze, Merab; Abuselidze, George |
2019 | Employees' outsourcing perceptions and satisfaction : the case of Libya oil company | Mohamed, Walid |