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Title: TEACCH : a structured approach towards autism
Authors: Cassar, Vincent
Keywords: Autistic children -- Education -- Handbooks, manuals, etc
Autistic children -- Treatment
Issue Date: 1999-03
Publisher: Malta Association of Occupational Therapists
Citation: Cassar, V. (1999). TEACCH : a structured approach towards autism. Maltese Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6, 4-5.
Abstract: Visual information is more easily processed by people with autism than verbal information. This statement was established as the foundation for structured teaching. For students with autism, by Eric Schoppler in 1996. This study was continued further and to the development of TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autism and Communication handicapped Children).
Appears in Collections:MJOT, Issue 6
MJOT, Issue 6

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