Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024 | Anticoagulation for splanchnic vein thrombosis in myeloproliferative neoplasms : a systematic review and meta-analysis | Chrysafi, Pavlina; Barnum, Kevin; Gerhard, Genevieve M.; Chiasakul, Thita; Narang, Arshit; Mcnichol, Megan; Riva, Nicoletta; Semmler, Georg; Scheiner, Bernhard; Acosta, Stefan; Rautou, Pierre-Emmanuel; Lauw, Mandy N.; Berry, Jonathan; Ageno, Walter; Zwicker, Jeffrey I.; Patell, Rushad |
2024 | A comparative study on the haemostatic changes in kidney failure patients : pre- and post- haemodialysis and haemodiafiltration | Caruana, Jessica; Vella, Kevin; Vella, Amy Marie; Borg, Marica; Cini Masini, Maria; Farrugia, Emanuel; Camilleri, Liberato; Riva, Nicoletta; Gatt, Alexander |
2024 | Trials of interventions for ovarian and testicular germ cell tumors registered in : a cross-sectional study | Puljak, Livia; Bojcic, Ruzica; Cikes Botic, Monika; Odak, Zdravko; Riva, Nicoletta; Gold, Vienna R.; Tabone, Ylenia; Squizzato, Alessandro; Calleja-Agius, Jean |
2024 | Safety and efficacy of anticoagulant treatment in patients with ovarian vein thrombosis : a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies | Riva, Nicoletta; Muscat-Baron, Lorna; Vassallo, Carine; Ageno, Walter; Rottenstreich, Amihai; Sauvé, Nadine; Wysokinski, Waldemar E.; Goldberg, Gary L.; Salomon, Ophira; Labropoulos, Nicos; Foulon, Arthur; AlSheef, Mohammed; Gatt, Alex; Calleja-Agius, Jean |
2024 | Innovative drug delivery systems for drug-resistant breast cancer | Mbodi, Langanani; Kgomo, Koena A.; Grech, Godfrey; Dlamini, Zodwa |
2023 | Education in transfusion medicine, part III : the importance of haemovigilance education | Vuk, Tomislav; Politis, Constantina; de Angelis, Vincenzo; Lozano, Miquel; Haddad, Antoine; Laspina, Stefan; Garraud, Olivier; European and Mediterranean Initiative in Transfusion Medicine (EMITm) group |
2023 | Ethics in transfusion medicine : are the intricate layers of ethics all universal? A global view | Garraud, Olivier; Politis, Constantina; Henschler, Reinhard; Vlaar, Alexander P.J.; Haddad, Antoine; Ertug˘rul Örüç, Nigar; Laspina, Stefan; De Angelis, Vincenzo; Richardson, Clive; Vuk, Tomislav; European, Mediterranean Initiative in Transfusion medicine EMITm collaborative |
2020 | Medical student education in transfusion medicine, part II : moving forward to building up a "Know How" education program in transfusion medicine for under-graduate medical students | Garraud, Olivier; Vuk, Tomislav; Brand, Anneke; Angelis, Vincenzo de; Politis, Constantina; Haddad, Antoine; Vlaar, Alexander P.J.; Lozano, Miquel; Ertuğru Örüçl, Nigar; Laspina, Stefan; Tissot, Jean-Daniel |
2007 | Erythroleukaemia, diabetes insipidus and hypophyseal damage : two case reports | Piccin, A.; Raimondi, R.; Laspina, Stefan; Marchi, M.; Rodeghiero, F.; Rovigatti, U. |
2023 | Thirty years of hemovigilance : achievements and future perspectives | Vuk, Tomislav; Politis, Constantina; Laspina, Stefan; Lozano, Miquel; Haddad, Antoine; de Angelis, Vincenzo; Garraud, Olivier; European and Mediterranean Initiative in Transfusion medicine (EMITm) grouph |
2005 | Prevention of post-transfusion RhD immunization using red cell exchange and intravenous anti-D immunoglobulin | Laspina, Stefan; O’Riordan, J. M.; Lawlor, E.; Murphy, W. G. |
2018 | Medical student education in transfusion medicine : proposal from the “European and Mediterranean initiative in transfusion medicine” | Garrauda, Olivier; Brandc, Anneke; Henschlerd, Reinhard; Vuke, Tomislav; Haddada, Antoine; Lozanog, Miguel; Örüçh, Nigar Ertuğrul; Politisi, Constantina; de Angelisj, Vincenzo; Laspinak, Stefan; Tissotl, Jean-Daniel; European and Mediterranean Initiative in Transfusion Medicine' (EMITm) group |
2002 | QTc prolongation in apheresis platelet donors | Laspina, Stefan; Browne, Martin A.; McSweeney, Ellen N.; Lawlor, Jo; Whelan, Denise M.; Kinsella, Anthony I.; Murphy, William G. |
2020 | Programmes for the management of preoperative anaemia : audit in ten European hospitals within the PaBloE (Patient Blood Management in Europe) working group | Jung-Konig, Mona; Fullenbach, Christoph; Murphy, Michael F.; Manzini, Paola; Laspina, Stefan; Pendry, Kate; Muhling, Jorg; Wikman, Agneta; Humbrecht, Catherine; Rigal, Jean-Christophe; Lasocki, Sigismond; Follea, Gilles; Seifried, Erhard; Muller, Markus M.; Geisen, Christof; Aranko, Kari; Zacharowski, Kai; Meybohm, Patrick; PBloE (Patient Blood Management in Europe) Working Group |
2007 | Seven hundred and fifty-nine (759) chances to learn : a 3-year pilot project to analyse transfusion-related near-miss events in the Republic of Ireland | Lundy, D.; Laspina, Stefan; Kaplan, H.; Rabin Fastman, B.; Lawlor, E. |
2021 | Barriers and facilitators to prudent antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections : a qualitative study with general practitioners in Malta | Saliba-Gustafsson, Erika A.; Nyberg, Anna; Borg, Michael Angelo; Rosales-Klintz, Senia; Stålsby Lundborg, Cecilia |
2023 | Genetic testing in the management of inherited cardiac disorders : two cases of Filamin-C arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy | Abela, Mark; Grech, Neil; Debattista, Jessica; Felice, Tiziana |
2023 | Revisiting the personal protective equipment components of transmission-based precautions for the prevention of COVID-19 and other respiratory virus infections in healthcare | Plachouras, Diamantis; Kacelnik, Oliver; Rodríguez-Baño, Jesús; Birgand, Gabriel; Borg, Michael Angelo; Kristensen, Brian; Kubele, Jan; Lyytikäinen, Outi; Presterl, Elisabeth; Reilly, Jacqui; Voss, Andreas; Zingg, Walter; Suetens, Carl; Monnet, Dominique L. |
2024 | Patient perspectives on infection prevention and control in cancer care : a survey of knowledge and attitudes among persons with cancer and their next of kin | Danielsen, A. S.; Nygaard, N. J.; Børseth, A. W.; Nilsen, J. V.; Øvreness, H.; Raastad, R.; Borg, Michael Angelo; Kacelnik, O.; Bjørnholt, J. V. |
2024 | Perceptions of organizational culture among infection preventionists in Israel, the United States, and Thailand : results from national infection prevention surveys | Greene, Todd M.; Borg, Michael Angelo; Schwaber, Mitchell J.; Najjar-Debbiny, Ronza; Apisarnthanarak, Anucha; Saint, Sanjay |