MAR, Issue 11 (2012/2013)
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Tas-SilgĖ, Marsaxlokk (Malta) Vol. 1 & 2 : Archaeological Excavations conducted by the University of Malta, 1996-2005 [Book review] | Zammit, Abigail R. |
2017 | Tradition, time and narrative : rethinking the Late Neolithic of the Maltese Islands | Vella Gregory, Isabelle |
2017 | Malta Archaeological Review, Issue 11 | Vella, Nicholas C.; Archaeological Society |
2017 | The Phoenician "permanent" display at the National Museum of Archaeology, Malta | Sultana, Sharon |
2017 | Religious identity and perceptions of afterlife gleaned from a funerary monument to a young girl from (late) Roman Melite | Azzopardi, George |
2017 | Documenting the last surviving traditional boats on the Maltese Islands: a case study on the firilla | Said, Stephanie |
2017 | Deciding what to exhibit in museums : does it really matter? | Barbara, Veronica |
2017 | Archaeology and archaeological discourse in pre-Independence Malta | Rossi, Anna Maria |
2017 | A stratigraphic study of the giren at ix-Xaghra l-Hamra, limits of Mellieha, Malta | Vella, Ernest |
2017 | A functional analysis of glass from an officer's mess, Malta | Palmer, Russell |
2017 | A farewell to Neo-Punic: Tac-Caghqi revisited | Zammit, Abigail R.; Kerr, Robert M. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11