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Title: Tradition, time and narrative : rethinking the Late Neolithic of the Maltese Islands
Authors: Vella Gregory, Isabelle
Keywords: Neolithic period -- Malta
Temple period -- Malta
Prehistoric peoples -- Malta
Malta -- Civilization
Archaeology -- Malta
Narrative inquiry (Research method)
Megalithic temples -- Malta
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: The Archaeological Society
Citation: Vella Gregory, I. (2017). Tradition, time and narrative : rethinking the Late Neolithic of the Maltese Islands. Malta Archaeological Review, 11, 16-24
Abstract: This paper reconsiders the Late Neolithic of the Maltese Islands from a broader perspective. It argues that the prevailing narrative centred on passzvely inherited cultural baggage obscures the dynamic narrative created by the ancient inhabitants. It is argued that a fuller understanding of the period requires an engagement with concepts of time and tradition, which are seen here on multiple scales. This enables a fuller reading of the period, particularly in terms of how people created and redefined time.
ISSN: 22248722
Appears in Collections:MAR, Issue 11 (2012-2013)
MAR, Issue 11 (2012/2013)

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