Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Innovative activities of SMEs in Russia : constraints and growth factors | Dubrova, T. A.; Ermolina, A. A.; Esenin, M. A. |
2019 | Indicators and methods for assessing the quality of logistic activity processes | Gissin, V. I.; Mehantseva, K. F.; Surzhikov, Mikhail Andreevich |
2019 | Impact of contemporary pension reforms on households’ welfare | Nivorozhkina, L. I.; Abazieva, Kamilla Grigorievna; Dolbina, S. V. |
2019 | Development of the university image positioning methods in the context of its marketing strategy | Baturina, O. E.; Erokhina, T. B.; Fedko, V. P.; Shaginyan, S. G. |
2019 | Determinants of households’ credit behavior in Russia | Nivorozhkina, L. I.; Arzhenovskiy, S. V.; Toropova, T. V.; Tregubova, A. A. |
2019 | Employment management policies in single-industry towns in the light of existing issues of precarious employment | Bykova, O. N.; Garnov, A. P.; Stroev, P. V.; Pivovarova, O. V. |
2019 | Corporate education system as a factor of ensuring modern companies’ financial stability | Buryakov, G. A.; Andreeva, Alina Vladimirova; Orobinskiy, Andrey S.; Yudin, A. A. |
2019 | Cooperation in R&D as a leading indicator of innovative activity growth | Arkhipova, M.; Sirotin, V.; Afonina, Vera |
2019 | Blockchain technologies in healthcare institutions : focus on security and effective cooperation with the government | Przhedetskiy, Yu. V.; Przhedetskaya, Nataliya Vitovna; Borzenko, K. V.; Bondarenko, Viktoria Andreevna |
2019 | Marketing relations and communication infrastructure development in the banking sector based on big data mining | Ivanchenko, Olyesia Valerievna; Mirgorodskaya, Olga Nikolaevna; Baraulya, E. V.; Putilina, T. I. |
2019 | Networking in the food sector of regional economy | Serebryakova, N. A.; Sirotkina, N. V.; Stukalo, O. G.; Dorokhova, N. V. |
2019 | Planning and financing in the social development | Galazova, S. S. |
2019 | Marketing management in urban passenger transportation innovations | Kalieva, O. M.; Karelin, N. V. |
2019 | Inter-vulnerability of financial institutions and households in the system of national financial security assessment | Alifanova, E. N.; Nivorozhkina, L. I.; Evlakhova, Yu. S. |
2019 | Prospects for the internal state financial control development in the Russian Federation | Galazova, S. S.; Karepina, Oksana Ivanovna; Romanova, Tatyana Fedorovna |
2019 | Public and private partnership and business actors in political processes concerning military issues | Martynenko, El. V.; Pepelov, S. T. |
2019 | Socio-economic consequences and prospective opportunities of the international labour migration as a process of the global labour market development | Petrovskaya, N. E.; Kutsegreeva, L. V.; Maksaev, A. A.; Raevich, I. A. |
2019 | Statistical models and the theory of hypothesis testing in medicine | Gazaryan, V. A.; Guryanova, I. E.; Melekhina, T. L. |
2019 | Statistical models of economic burden : a case study in medicine | Lakman, I. A.; Maksimenko, Z. V.; Shangareeva, R. Kh.; Gindullin, R. V. |
2019 | Strategic instruments to choose foreign target markets | Dimitriadi, N. A.; Voronkova, O. N.; Galazowa, S. S. |