Education 2000, no. 4 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998-11Gender stereotypes in children's readersAzzopardi, Erika; Bonnici, Brian
1998-11Well managed schools : Carlo Diacono Girls' Junior Lyceum, Zejtun [interview with Maria Ciappara]Ciappara, Maria; Attard, Paul A.
1998-11Changing uniforms : the teaching and learning of English in the transition phasePisani, Anthea; Tonna, Isabelle
1998-11Introducing assessments and examinations in physical education in Maltavan Vuuren-Cassar, Gemma
1998-11Journal writing in the science classroomChetcuti, Deborah A.
1998-11Record keeping and assessment of ICT activitiesBorg, Norman C.
1998-11Drama in educationAquilina, Mary Doris
1998-11Media workstation : planning for media useMallia, Gorg
1998-11Lejn is-sena 2000 : l-edukazzjoni tal-konsumatur fl-iskejjelBorg, Joyce
1998-11The motivated child : looking at the emotional factors affecting readingTaylor, Geraldine
1998-11A total quality management approach to secondary education : an initiative of St.Theresa Junior Lyceum, MriehelZammit, Lydia
1998-11The Internet : an essential resource for today's teacherLucia, Ninette
1998-11L-edukazzjoni tal-genituri : xi prinicipji pedagogici dwar process transformattivBorg, Carmel
1998-11Education 2000 : number 4Mifsud, Charles
1998-11Hearing the learners : LetmelearnMifsud, Joseph
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15

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