Dissertations - FacHScNur - 1996 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1996-04Nurses' perceptions of patient allocation as a system of organisation of nursing careD'Amato, Bridget
1992Back pain as an occupational hazardTanti, Denis (1992)
1996An exploration of student nurses' attitudes towards communication with elderly patients on acute medical wardsAquilina, Maria (1996)
1996An assessment of nurses' knowledge regarding patient lifting and handling techniquesZammit, Claire
1996An observational study of blood pressure measurement technique undertaken by qualified nursesVella, Jeannette
1996Patients' perceptions of factors influencing their sleep pattern in hospitalVella, Lucienne
1996An exploration of student nurses attitudes towards communication with elderly patients on acute medical wardsAquilina, Maria
1996Therapeutic play in the care of children : nurses' knowledge and awarenessFalzon, Suzanne
1996Oral handovers : an observational studyCamilleri, Michelle (1996)
1996Diabetic patients : perceptions of their health education needsMifsud, Anabel
1996Patients' perceptions of meals and mealtimes in hospitalRausi, Victoria
1996A clinical trial in the management of venous leg ulcers in the communityScicluna, Marie Corinne
1996The role of the nurse during oral drug administrationMontebello, M.
1996Student nurses' knowledge of and attitudes towards cancerCutajar, Bernardette
1996Catheter care : knowledge and care practices in the communityAgius, Glorianne
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15

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