Dissertations - FacHScNur - 1996
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1996-04 | Nurses' perceptions of patient allocation as a system of organisation of nursing care | D'Amato, Bridget |
1992 | Back pain as an occupational hazard | Tanti, Denis (1992) |
1996 | An exploration of student nurses' attitudes towards communication with elderly patients on acute medical wards | Aquilina, Maria (1996) |
1996 | An assessment of nurses' knowledge regarding patient lifting and handling techniques | Zammit, Claire |
1996 | An observational study of blood pressure measurement technique undertaken by qualified nurses | Vella, Jeannette |
1996 | Patients' perceptions of factors influencing their sleep pattern in hospital | Vella, Lucienne |
1996 | An exploration of student nurses attitudes towards communication with elderly patients on acute medical wards | Aquilina, Maria |
1996 | Therapeutic play in the care of children : nurses' knowledge and awareness | Falzon, Suzanne |
1996 | Oral handovers : an observational study | Camilleri, Michelle (1996) |
1996 | Diabetic patients : perceptions of their health education needs | Mifsud, Anabel |
1996 | Patients' perceptions of meals and mealtimes in hospital | Rausi, Victoria |
1996 | A clinical trial in the management of venous leg ulcers in the community | Scicluna, Marie Corinne |
1996 | The role of the nurse during oral drug administration | Montebello, M. |
1996 | Student nurses' knowledge of and attitudes towards cancer | Cutajar, Bernardette |
1996 | Catheter care : knowledge and care practices in the community | Agius, Glorianne |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15