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Title: Daborn, E., Zacharias, S., Crichton, H. (2020) : Subject Literacy in Culturally Diverse Secondary Schools [Book review]
Authors: Camilleri Grima, Antoinette
Keywords: Books -- Reviews
Education, Secondary -- Research
Multicultural education
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Education
Citation: Camilleri Grima, A. (2020). Daborn, E., Zacharias, S., Crichton, H. (2020) : Subject Literacy in Culturally Diverse Secondary Schools [book review]. Malta Review of Educational Research, 14(1), 129-131.
Abstract: This book deals with two very important topics that all secondary school teachers need to be knowledgeable about, but that I had never before seen treated so well together. The main thread throughout the book is the focus on learners in secondary school classrooms that are nowadays culturally-diverse. The other focus is subject-related language, with an emphasis on how to present it to learners whose first language/s is/are different from those of the school. This book provides teachers with much assistance in understanding the needs of culturally diverse learners, and it abounds with information on how best to adjust subject pedagogy accordingly. English language structures used in different subject areas are highlighted, and teachers are provided with practical and detailed advice based on the extensive teaching experience of the three authors. [excerpt]
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