Dissertations - FacICT - 2020 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 86
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Demand prediction for shared mobility services using time series modellingCamilleri, Rudi (2020)
2020Developing an educational game for children with speech sound disorderCamilleri, Kurt (2020)
2020Voynich : hoax?Camilleri, Adriana (2020)
2020Investigating MR interface patterns for just in time QA informationCachia, Matthew (2020)
2020Memory forensics of QakbotBorg, Steve (2020)
2020Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities, and performance issues of related patchesAgius, Kevin (2020)
2020Credit card fraud detection with oversamplingDemicoli, Julian (2020)
2020A mobile application providing a Mediterranean diet based on physical attributes and weight goalDjincharadze, Luka (2020)
2020Reducing risk in road network traversal using past road accident dataBuhagiar, Miriana (2020)
2020Identifying bottlenecks in operational workflows at the Accident & Emergency Department at Mater Dei HospitalAttard, Marco (2020)
2020Investigating realtime remote activity schedules to facilitate learning for children within the Autism Spectrum DisorderVanhear, Keith (2020)
2020Data visualisation using BI for digital healthZammit, Redent (2020)
2020The use of a tablet application to develop the social interaction skills of children with intellectual disabilitiesXuereb, Luke (2020)
2020Using business intelligence and machine learning on ERP data to improve business performanceScicluna, Jesmar (2020)
2020Fast approximation of Euclidean TSPGlushkov, Nikola (2020)
2018Physically correct transparency in real-time renderingAzzopardi, Beatrix (2018)
2020Behavioural APIs for Erlang processesZahra, Gianluca (2020)
2020Using machine learning to predict epileptic seizures from EEG dataCauchi, Jonathan (2020)
2020Learning models using similarity based and one vs previous paradigmsCauchi, Daniel (2020)
2020The texture shading cache : an approach to asynchronous interactive illuminationCauchi, Aidan (2020)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 86

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