Dissertations - FacSoW - 2020 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 167
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Snakes and ladders : parenting children with a life-threatening condition : the implications for counsellingZarb, Lorita Marie (2020)
2020Psychosocial implications of burn injuries through nurses’ perspectives : implications for counsellingAbela, Yasmine (2020)
2020The lived experience of couples who have undergone successful IVF : implications for counsellingScerri, Danielle (2020)
2020Exploring the experiences of non-heterosexual women in heterosexual marriages : therapeutic considerationsTabone, John (2020)
2020Footballers' experiences of mental skills training and counsellingAbela, Daniel (2020)
2020Depictions of mental illness within the medium of modern filmButtigieg, Thomas (2020)
2020An exploration of the social support services infrastructure related to foster care in MaltaRefalo, Nicole (2020)
2020Gender roles at home : a female perspective on gender roles in household chores and/or childcare with relation to the rise of female contribution to the workplaceFiorini, Valentina (2020)
2020Sexual and reproductive health in Malta : trends, discoursesCatania, Maria (2020)
2020Analysing the discussion on abortion in Malta in online and printed mediaVidal, Elaine (2020)
2020Student absenteeism in European compulsory education : a comparative policy analysisVassallo, Jessica (2020)
2020Perceptions of tattoo discrimination in the Maltese private sectorFenech, Robert (2020)
2020Housing issues of lone parents after separationAttard Previ, Graziella (2020)
2020The help-seeking experience of persons facing monetary poverty : a study of Żejtun, MaltaAbela, Mauro (2020)
2020Overprotection experienced by persons with intellectual disability in Malta, and the effect on their self-determinationSerge, Louisa (2020)
2020The cross-cultural context of social work with migrant women survivors of intimate partner violence : an interpretative phenomenological analysisBugre, Marcelle (2020)
2020Remembering the child amidst the behaviour : harmful sexual behaviour in children and young peopleHermitage, Kerry (2020)
2020The lived experience of adults living with family members or partners with depression : implications for counsellingZerafa, Melenie (2020)
2020Finding meaning in suffering : exploring the lived experience of wounded healersTabone, Krista (2020)
2020‘A' is for alien, but also Albanian. : negotiating identity when migrating to Malta : an autoethnographyRama, Estela (2020)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 167

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