Dissertations - FacLaw - 2020 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 151
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Raising capital through the prospects market : legal considerationsMuscat, Jurgen (2020)
2020The legal enforceability of smart contracts under Maltese lawMugliett, Andrea (2020)
2020An analysis of selected landmark human rights judgments that have had an impact on Maltese criminal lawMifsud, Luke (2020)
2020Legal analysis of Legal Notice 285/16 (and subsequent amendments) : was it a step in the right direction?Mifsud, Jean Pierre (2020)
2020Developing a legal infrastructure for a Maltese space industry : a legal analysisMifsud, Gabriella (2020)
2020Integration initiatives in Malta : genuine or merely a barrier to granting long term residence in Malta?Fauser, Nina (2020)
2020The voice of the minor in court proceedings : a comparative study of the role of the child advocateGalea, Amber (2020)
2020Directors’ liability in occupational health and safety casesGalea, Jacqueline (2020)
2020Involuntary automaticity : a critical examination of the legal defence for medical malpracticeMicallef Stafrace, Julia (2020)
2020The 2018 amendments to Article 1045 of the Civil Code : a case of subtraction through addition?Micallef, Jurgen (2020)
2020Occupational health and safety responsibilities among the various stakeholders involved in a construction projectMicallef, Gorg (2020)
2020A comparative study on how coastal states tackle marine invasive alien speciesMicallef, Andrew (2020)
2020A pan-European analysis of online responsible gaming measuresMeilak, Michelle (2020)
2020Innovative technology arrangements : the quest for a legal statusMcCarthy, Rebecca (2020)
2020Legal challenges of computer misuse in the online gaming sectorMangion Abela, Jamie (2020)
2020Remittal of the record of proceedings during the compilation of evidence phase : an abused practice in Maltese criminal procedure?Magri, Jacob Joseph (2020)
2020The penal perspective of the Travel and Tourism Act (Chapter 409) : in need of legal reform?Gulia, Martina (2020)
2020Data processing implications and liability issues of autonomous and connected vehiclesGrima, Keith (2020)
2020Recent trends in medical liability (2017-2019)Grech Lateo, Loretta (2020)
2020Party autonomy in the law applicable to matrimonial property regimes under EU rulesGrech, Maria (2020)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 151

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