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Title: Caring for patients with a tracheostomy : the ENT and ITU nurses' perceptions
Authors: Sultana, Elissa
Keywords: Tracheotomy -- Patients -- Malta
Tracheotomy -- Patients -- Care
Intensive care nursing -- Malta
Otolaryngological nursing
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Sultana, E. (2012). Caring for patients with a tracheostomy : the ENT and ITU nurses' perceptions (Bachelor’s dissertation).
Abstract: The aim of this descriptive study was to investigate the nurses' perceptions about their role when caring for tracheostomised patients. The study explores the attitudes of nurses towards nursing a patient with a tracheostomy and aims to gain insight on the nurses' sources of knowledge in relation to the nursing care of tracheostomised patients. Additionally, factors that may affect quality of care of a tracheostomised patient are also identified. A descriptive design was most appropriate because it is the first study to explore the nurses' perceptions about their role when caring for tracheostomised patients. Data through questionnaires was collected from nurses working within the ENT and ITU wards of 2 main public hospitals within the Maltese Islands. The entire population of around 98 nurses was taken due to the risk of a low response rate. The study had a total response rate of 62.3% with only 62 nurses taking part in the study. Data collected was analysed by means of Microsoft office excel with regards to quantitative data. Information from open-ended questions was grouped in themes and quantified. It was found that the ENT and ITU nurses that participated in this study care for patients with a tracheostomy on a regular basis, and the majority have positive attitudes towards caring for such patients and look forward to doing so. Different levels of education and training on tracheostomy care were detected, however the majority of the nurses wish to receive further education and training. Issues such as time constraints, shortage of staff, and varying nurse education and experience levels were identified by nurses as factors possibly affecting the quality of care provided. The need for more studies in relation to many aspects of tracheostomy care was identified. It is recommended that nurses should have access to both web-based and printed literature and that tracheostomy care education and training should be more frequent for nurses working in these areas. This and the advice of expert healthcare professionals such as the ENT nurse specialist, help improve the provision of tracheostomy care, helps nurses overcome any anxiety that they may have and promote a professional, positive attitude while caring for tracheostomised patients.
Description: B.SC.(HONS)NURSING
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacHSc - 2012
Dissertations - FacHScNur - 2012

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