Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Sottotitli bil-Malti ghall-film Fight Club (1999) | Cassar, Simon |
2013 | Traduzzjoni ta' 'The Colonel's Lady' (William Somerset Maugham) kemm bhala novella kif ukoll bhala screenplay, flimkien ma' kummentarju u analizi tad-differenzi stilistici fit-traduzzjoni | Cachia, Rebecca (2013) |
2013 | Translating Oriana Fallaci | Bajada, Christine |
2013 | Translation of a selection of poems from Mario Azzopardi's 'Noti mis-Sanatorju tal-Mistici' from Maltese into English | Baldacchino, Rowna |
2013 | A glossary of terms related to sailing | Aquilina, Audrey (2013) |
2013 | It-traduzzjoni ta' manwal tal-ewwel għajnuna u glossarju tat-termini tekniċi | Tabone, Vincent James |
2013 | Interpreting as an interlingual and intercultural profession | Zammit, Andrea Kathleen |
2013 | A glossary of medical terms related to diseases, disorders and conditions | Vella, Valerie (2013) |
2013 | Translation and terminology of aviation documents : 'Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirement (ESARR)' published by the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation | Vella, Marija |
2013 | Translation as cultural negotiation : Verga's La Lupa and Rosso Malpelo translated into Maltese | Bugeja, Roxanne (2013) |
2013 | Kompilazzjoni ta' glossarju ta' għodda tal-mekkanik | Spiteri, Gordon Lee (2013) |
2013 | Glossarju ta' termini dwar iż-żebbuġ u l-produzzjoni taż-żejt taż-żebbuġa | Galea, Nadia (2013) |
2013 | Traduzzjoni ta' xi kapitli mill-ktieb 'Deformity' ta' Simon Bartolo | Mifsud, Janice (2013) |
2013 | 'Canzoniere or Songbook' : a comparative analysis of English translations from Francesco Petrarca's Canzoniere | Formosa, Stephanie (2013) |
2013 | The translation of the publication 'Teaching other languages' by the International Academy of Education, followed by a glossary of educational terms | Galea, Jana (2013) |
2013 | A glossary of remote gaming regulation | Farrugia, Claudia (2013) |
2013 | Traduzzjoni tar-rumanz 'A child called 'it'' ta' Dave Pelzer | Ciscaldi, Nicolette |
2013 | It-traduzzjoni ta' Matilda ta' Roald Dahl | Chetcuti, Kirsty (2013) |
2013 | Traduzzjoni mill-PSMC (Public Services Management Code) | Vella, Brendon |
2013 | Fashion journalism in Maltese : translation and stylistic analysis of an early 20th century article and an early 21st century article | Borg, Noelle (2013) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21