Dissertations - FacArtTTI - 2013 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Sottotitli bil-Malti ghall-film Fight Club (1999)Cassar, Simon
2013Traduzzjoni ta' 'The Colonel's Lady' (William Somerset Maugham) kemm bhala novella kif ukoll bhala screenplay, flimkien ma' kummentarju u analizi tad-differenzi stilistici fit-traduzzjoniCachia, Rebecca (2013)
2013Translating Oriana FallaciBajada, Christine
2013Translation of a selection of poems from Mario Azzopardi's 'Noti mis-Sanatorju tal-Mistici' from Maltese into EnglishBaldacchino, Rowna
2013A glossary of terms related to sailingAquilina, Audrey (2013)
2013It-traduzzjoni ta' manwal tal-ewwel għajnuna u glossarju tat-termini tekniċiTabone, Vincent James
2013Interpreting as an interlingual and intercultural professionZammit, Andrea Kathleen
2013A glossary of medical terms related to diseases, disorders and conditionsVella, Valerie (2013)
2013Translation and terminology of aviation documents : 'Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirement (ESARR)' published by the European Organisation for the Safety of Air NavigationVella, Marija
2013Translation as cultural negotiation : Verga's La Lupa and Rosso Malpelo translated into MalteseBugeja, Roxanne (2013)
2013Kompilazzjoni ta' glossarju ta' għodda tal-mekkanikSpiteri, Gordon Lee (2013)
2013Glossarju ta' termini dwar iż-żebbuġ u l-produzzjoni taż-żejt taż-żebbuġaGalea, Nadia (2013)
2013Traduzzjoni ta' xi kapitli mill-ktieb 'Deformity' ta' Simon BartoloMifsud, Janice (2013)
2013'Canzoniere or Songbook' : a comparative analysis of English translations from Francesco Petrarca's CanzoniereFormosa, Stephanie (2013)
2013The translation of the publication 'Teaching other languages' by the International Academy of Education, followed by a glossary of educational termsGalea, Jana (2013)
2013A glossary of remote gaming regulationFarrugia, Claudia (2013)
2013Traduzzjoni tar-rumanz 'A child called 'it'' ta' Dave PelzerCiscaldi, Nicolette
2013It-traduzzjoni ta' Matilda ta' Roald DahlChetcuti, Kirsty (2013)
2013Traduzzjoni mill-PSMC (Public Services Management Code)Vella, Brendon
2013Fashion journalism in Maltese : translation and stylistic analysis of an early 20th century article and an early 21st century articleBorg, Noelle (2013)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21

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