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Title: Pagan and Christian marriage rites points of contact
Authors: Camilleri, Lorian (2010)
Keywords: Marriage
Marriage -- Biblical teaching
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: Camilleri, L. (2010). Pagan and Christian marriage rites points of contact (Bachelor's dissertation).
Abstract: This dissertation sets out to analyze how the Liturgy of Marriage developed throughout the ages. Commencing by the document: 'Letter to Diognetium', registered around the year 200 and how the celebration of the Christian Marriage was cleansed of all the Pagan elements. It will proceed by focusing, in the second chapter, on the Liturgical Blessings which came about in the 7th century, time of the Sacramentries, referring mainly to the Veronese and Gelasium Sacramentaries. This chapter will also focus on marriage as a Sacrament and by being so, God would not only be bestowing his Grace but, will be uniting the couple to the redeeming Mystery of Christ - the Partaking in the Paschal Mystery. The third chapter will delve on how the theology of marriage and the teaching of the church regarding marriage continued to develop throughout the centuries. As conclusion to this dissertation will be the highlighting of how the celebration of marriage found in the Roman Rite has been revised and enriched in line with present day issues: mainly divorce, separation, lack of sacrifice and tolerance in today's couples.
Description: B.A.(HONS)THEOLOGY
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacThe - 1968-2010

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