Dissertations - InsPES - 1999-2007 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Nutritional ergogenic aids : what Maltese athletes are using, and why 2007?Fenech Adami, Celine (2007)
1999Child's play in the early years : a focus on teachers' and parents' viewsVella, Philip (1999)
1999Including swimming in the P.E. curriculum (primary level)Pulis, Josette (1999)
1999Judo for childrenMuscat, Joseph (1999)
1999Games in learningMangani, Jennifer (1999)
1999Water activities for childrenGatt, Martin (1999)
1999Nutrition for health : an inspirational guide at primary levelDarmanin, Joanne (1999)
2007Parental pressure on youth football coaches and playersMicallef, Keith (2007)
2007Lack of participation in competitive junior tennisBorg Bonello, Maximillian (2007)
2007The impact of the coach during competitions for athletes with intellectual disabilitiesAttard, Angelique (2007)
2007The participation of young people with disability in local sportsAquilina, Kenneth (2007)
2007Physical fitness in the Armed Forces of MaltaZahra, Edric (2007)
2007Views of a karate referee : factors affecting the refereeZammit, Anthony (2007)
2007Development of karateka in MaltaTanti, Maria (2007)
2007Aspirations of gymnasts in clubsSultana, Audrey (2007)
2007Becoming a better baseball or softball coachPace, Patrick (2007)
2007Competitive sport : when does it become unhealthy?Grech, Gillian (2007)
2007Female basketball players' perception of their coachDebono, Renette (2007)
2007Swimming the distance : and breaking through mental barriersCremona, Angele (2007)
2007Overcoming the edge : a practical inquiry on abseilingBorg, Martin (2007)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36

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