The Coastal SAGE Project Team

  • University of Malta (Lead Partner)

    Principal Investigator: Dr Ing Gianluca Valentino (Department of Communications and Computer Engineering)

    Prof Johann A. Briffa (Department of Communications and Computer Engineering)

    Dr Ing Reuben Farrugia (Department of Communications and Computer Engineering)

    Dr Sebastiano D'Amico (Department of Geosciences)

    Public Works Department (PWD), Ministry for Public Works and Planning (Partner)

    Dr George Buhagiar, Planner and Chief Architect and Civil Engineer, Research and Planning Unit, PWD

    Mr Christopher Gauci, Geologist and Manager II, Research and Planning Unit, PWD

    Mr Daniel Fenech, GIS Manager I, Research and Planning Unit, PWD

    Ms Ines Felix Martins, GIS Manager II, Research and Planning Unit, PWD