Research, Publications and Scholarship Committee

The Research, Publications and Scholarship Committee was set up by the Board of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing in 2012, when the Faculty itself was established, under the chairship of Professor Angela Abela. In February 2016, Faculty Board appointed Dr Anne-Marie Callus as chair, whilst in October 2020 Dr Ruth Falzon was appointed as the new chair. Currently the Committee is being chaired by Dr Trevor Calafato, appointed by Faculty Board in November 2021. The aims of the committee are: 

  • to create an environment where the culture for research, publications and scholarship within the Faculty can grow
  • to provide opportunities for Faculty members to work together on interdisciplinary research projects
  • to showcase research that is currently being carried out by Faculty members and enable them to disseminate the results of their research
  • to provide opportunities for further enhancement of research-related skills.
    Since its inception in 2012, the Research, Publications and Scholarship Committee has carried out several initiatives in line with these aims.

The committee can be contacted by email on

The recent Brown-Bags were:

  • Accessing Abortion in a Highly Restrictive Legal Regime: Characteristics and
    Experiences of Women and Pregnant People in Malta Self-managing their
    Abortion through Online Telemedicine - November 2022
    Dr Andreana Dibben and Prof Isabel Stabile
  • Offenders or Victims? Investigating using Hypertext - January 2022
    By Dr Dominic Garcia
  • Stalking in Malta - From perception, to coping and support - May 2021
    By Mr Paul Caruana
  • The Intersection between Disability and Sex - Representations of Disabled Women in Malta - April 2021
    By Ms Amy Camilleri Zahra
  • “You never really know me!” The lived experience of young people in Malta who are disengaged from education, employment or training - November 2021
    By Ms Audrey Friggieri,publicationsandscholarshipcommittee/