DAM Special Issue

A special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics containing full-length papers will be published. The guest editors for this issue are the members of the Organising Committee. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must be registered as a participant of the conference. All papers will be reviewed in accordance to the high standards expected by Discrete Applied Mathematics. The preliminary decision on publication will be taken by the guest editors according to the reviews received, but the final decision will be taken by the Editor-in-Chief.

After receiving several requests by a number of participants, the deadline for the submission of the full length papers has been extended to 15th November 2017.

The Special Issue is expected to be published by December 2018. Papers which are delayed for any reason may not appear in the Special Issue, although they will still be processed and, if accepted, will appear in a regular issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics. By submitting their papers, authors are certifying that they are aware of this possibility and that they agree to it.

Submission Process
Submission is totally online via the Elsevier Editorial System (EES).

  1. Log in to your account and click on “Submit New Manuscript”.
  2. From “Choose Article Type” select “SI: 2MCGTC2017”.
  3. Follow the online instructions.
Notification of the Editors’ decision, requests for revision and any other correspondence will take place by e-mail.