Richard A. Brualdi University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Title of talk : Alternating Sign Matrices and Hypermatrices |
Yair Caro University of Haifa-Oranim, Israel Title of talk : Repetitions in the degree sequence of a graph |
Peter Dankelmann University of Johannesburg, South Africa Title of talk : Bounds on the diameter of graphs and digraphs |
Patrick W. Fowler, F.R.S. University of Sheffield, United Kingdom Title of talk : Graph theoretical models and molecular currents |
Chris Godsil University of Waterloo, Canada Title of talk : Quantum Walks on Graphs |
Wilfried Imrich Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria Title of talk : On the direct product of finite and infinite graphs |
Gyula O. H. Katona Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary Title of talk : Some two-part Erdős-Ko-Rado theorems |
Sandi Klavžar University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Title of talk : Packing Chromatic Number |
Mikhail Klin Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Title of talk : Introduction to total graph coherent configurations |
Imre Leader University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Title of talk : Tiling in High Dimensions |
Brendan McKay Australian National University, Australia Title of talk : Graph generation and Ramsey numbers |
Karen Meagher University of Regina, Canada Title of talk : Cocliques in Derangement Graphs |
Raffaele Scapellato Politecnico di Milano, Italy Title of talk : Symmetry in graphs and digraphs |
Andrew Thomason University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Title of talk : List colourings of hypergraphs |
Special Guest: Robin J. Wilson Emeritus Professor at Open University, United Kingdom |
updated 5th July 2018