Browsing by Author Brown, Maria

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 66  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Adult migrant education as a mediator of democratic citizenship in postcolonial contexts : inferences from adult migrant language programmes in Malta and CyprusBrown, Maria; Gravani, Maria N.; Borg, Carmel
2022An analysis of pertinent issues in education in Southern Europe : rhythms of life, environmental sustainability and migrationMayo, Peter; Brown, Maria; Briguglio, Michael
2015Between domestication and liberation : a Freirean community-based educational intervention in MaltaBrown, Maria
2024[Book Review] Stretching boundaries of critical education : past, present and future possibilitiesBrown, Maria
2016Chapter 7 : Social classBrown, Maria; Formosa, Marvin
2016Chapter 9 : EducationBrown, Maria; Mayo, Peter
2011A civil society perspective of sustainable energy policy and green jobs in Malta as a small EU stateBriguglio, Michael; Brown, Maria; Aquilina, Diana
2018Civil society perspectives on green jobs in sustainable energy : the case of European MaltaBriguglio, Michael; Brown, Maria
2021Comparative cartography of adult education for migrants in Cyprus, Estonia, Malta and ScotlandBrown, Maria; Gravani, Maria N.; Slade, Bonnie; Jõgi, Larissa
2003The culture of loyalty : a sociological investigation of hospitality practicesBrown, Maria
2009Discouragement amongst ageing workers in Malta within an EU contextBrown, Maria; Briguglio, Michael
2010Distributed cognition in community-based educationHerrero, Carlos; Brown, Maria
2024Editorial [Postcolonial Directions in Education : volume 13 : issue 1]Brown, Maria; Hoxha, Gilda; Mortier, Anneleen
2022Editorial introduction : postcolonial perspectives on citizenship education debates in EuropeHaapala, Taru; Brown, Maria; Raycheva, Lilia
2018Education for sustainable development in non-formal set-ups : diagnosing a culture of inertiaPulis, Alan; Brown, Maria; Georgakopoulos, Alexia
2022Empowering communities through networking : a participatory action research approachAzzopardi, Andrew; Brown, Maria; Bonnici, Jamie; Cutajar, Ann Marie
2014ENGO activism in the EU : the G10, climate change and social policyBriguglio, Michael; Brown, Maria; Bugeja, Ian
2023Factors affecting ICT education among vulnerable minors in Malta : findings of the star kids research projectCuff, Annabel; Azzopardi, Andrew; Brown, Maria; Cutajar, Ann Marie
2021Gender balance in national parliament : voters’ perceptions towards the gender corrective mechanism in MaltaBezzina, Frank; Brown, Maria; Marmarà, Vincent-Anthony
2019Housing in Malta : the cultural goals vs. institutionalised means conundrumBrown, Maria