Browsing by Author Mizzi, Luke

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Analysis of the deformation behavior and mechanical properties of slit‐perforated auxetic metamaterialsMizzi, Luke; Grima, Joseph N.; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Daphne
2018An analytical and finite element study on the mechanical properties of irregular hexachiral honeycombsMizzi, Luke; Attard, Daphne; Gatt, Ruben; Farrugia, Pierre-Sandre; Grima, Joseph N.
2021Auxetic mechanical metamaterials with diamond and elliptically shaped perforationsMizzi, Luke; Attard, Daphne; Evans, Kenneth E.; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
2015-07Auxetic metamaterials exhibiting giant negative Poisson's ratiosMizzi, Luke; Azzopardi, Keith M.; Attard, Daphne; Grima, Joseph N.; Gatt, Ruben
2016-01Auxetic perforated mechanical metamaterials with randomly oriented cutsGrima, Joseph N.; Mizzi, Luke; Azzopardi, Keith M.; Gatt, Ruben
2020Can directors and shareholders be held liable for acts committed by the company?Mizzi, Luke; Sammut, Emma-Marie
2019-09Designing new auxetic structures based on known 2D systemsFarrugia, Pierre-Sandre; Gatt, Ruben; Mizzi, Luke; Grima-Cornish, James N.; Grima, Joseph N.
2015-06A force-field based analysis of the deformation mechanism in α-cristobaliteGatt, Ruben; Mizzi, Luke; Azzopardi, Keith M.; Grima, Joseph N.
2020From street to stage : hip hop, theatricality and legitimizationMizzi, Luke
2017Global rotation of mechanical metamaterials induced by their internal deformationDudek, Krzysztof Karol; Gatt, Ruben; Mizzi, Luke; Dudek, Mirosław Roman; Attard, Daphne; Grima, Joseph N.
2015Hierarchical auxetic mechanical metamaterialsGatt, Ruben; Mizzi, Luke; Azzopardi, Joseph I.; Azzopardi, Keith M.; Attard, Daphne; Casha, Aaron; Briffa, Joseph; Grima, Joseph N.
2021Implementation of periodic boundary conditions for loading of mechanical metamaterials and other complex geometric microstructures using finite element analysisMizzi, Luke; Attard, Daphne; Gatt, Ruben; Dudek, Krzysztof K.; Ellul Grech, Brian; Grima, Joseph N.
2015-10Influence of translational disorder on the mechanical properties of hexachiral honeycomb systemsMizzi, Luke; Attard, Daphne; Gatt, Ruben; Pozniak, Artur A.; Wojciechowski, Krzysztof W.; Grima, Joseph N.
2018Mechanical metamaterials with star-shaped pores exhibiting negative and zero Poisson's ratioMizzi, Luke; Mahdi, E. M.; Titov, Kirill; Gatt, Ruben; Attard, Daphne; Evans, Kenneth E.; Grima, Joseph N.; Tan, Jin-Chong
2015-07Non-porous grooved single-material auxeticsMizzi, Luke; Gatt, Ruben; Grima, Joseph N.
2017On the dynamics and control of mechanical properties of hierarchical rotating rigid unit auxeticsDudek, Krzysztof Karol; Gatt, Ruben; Mizzi, Luke; Dudek, Mirosław R.; Attard, Daphne; Evans, Kenneth E.; Grima, Joseph N.
2015-02On the effect of the mode of connection between the node and the ligaments in anti-tetrachiral systemsGatt, Ruben; Brincat, Jean-Pierre; Azzopardi, Keith M.; Mizzi, Luke; Grima, Joseph N.
2014-02On the properties of real finite-sized planar and tubular stent-like auxetic structuresGatt, Ruben; Caruana-Gauci, Roberto; Attard, Daphne; Casha, Aaron; Wolak, Wiktor; Dudek, Krzysztof; Mizzi, Luke; Grima, Joseph N.
2014-02On the suitability of hexagonal honeycombs as stent geometriesMizzi, Luke; Attard, Daphne; Casha, Aaron; Grima, Joseph N.; Gatt, Ruben
2016-06Planar auxeticity from elliptic inclusionsPozniak, Artur A.; Wojciechowski, Krzysztof W.; Grima, Joseph N.; Mizzi, Luke