Browsing by Author Vella, Joseph M.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Addiction....or a second chance for a ‘third place’?Vella, Joseph M.; Heerden, Gené van; Styvén, Maria Ek
2023Beyond surveys : leveraging automated text analysis of travellers’ online reviews to enhance service quality and willingness to recommendRobertson, Jeandri; Vella, Joseph M.; Duncan, Sherese; Pitt, Christine; Pitt, Leyland; Caruana, Albert
2024Communal-brand connection and service loyalty : the mediation effect of corporate reputation and customer satisfaction among retail banking customersCaruana, Albert; Vella, Joseph M.
2018Corporate greed : its effect on customer satisfaction, corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation among bank customersCaruana, Albert; Vella, Joseph M.; Konietzny, Jirka; Chircop, Saviour
2019Corporate greed and its effect on customer satisfaction, corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation among customers : an abstractCaruana, Albert; Vella, Joseph M.; Konietzny, Jirka; Chircop, Saviour
2011Determinants in the adoption of a customer relationship management system : a study among bank managersVella, Joseph M.
2015The effect of attitude toward advertising and blog scepticism on innovativeness and exploratory purchasing behaviour : a study on winesHall, Daniel; Caruana, Albert; Vella, Joseph M.
2012The effect of behavioural activation and inhibition on CRM adoptionVella, Joseph M.; Caruana, Albert; Pitt, Leyland F.
2016The effects of objective and subjective knowledge on the exploratory acquisition of winePitt, Leyland; Mattison Thompson, Frauke; Engstrom, Anne; Vella, Joseph M.; Mills, Adam; Kietzmann, Jan
2015The effects of objective and subjective knowledge on the exploratory acquisition of winePitt, Leyland; Mattison Thompson, Frauke; Engstrom, Anne; Vella, Joseph M.; Mills, Adam; Kietzmann, Jan
2018Elementary, my dear Watson : the use of artificial intelligence in marketing research : an abstractPitt, Christine; Eriksson, Theresa; Dabirian, Amir; Vella, Joseph M.
2014Elements of a talent strategy for effective relationship building : a study among bank sales and service providersVella, Joseph M.; Caruana, Albert; Pitt, Leyland F.
2014Emotional dissonanceVella, Joseph M.
2012Encouraging CRM systems usage : a study among bank managersVella, Joseph M.; Caruana, Albert
2018Exploring emotions on wine websites : finding joyTreen, Emily; Ferguson, Sarah Lord; Pitt, Christine; Vella, Joseph M.
2017Financial services apps : what makes the difference between a great and a ghastly review?Vella, Joseph M.; Wallstrom, Asa; Farshid, Mana
2017Mapping country wine brand personalities, examples from five nations : an abstractTreen, Emily; Grant, Philip; Heerden, Gene Van; Vella, Joseph M.; Botha, Elsamari; Chan, Anthony
2024Online betting intentions : the effect of perceived fairness, navigational enjoyment and playing for fun or to beat the oddsKonietzny, Jirka; Caruana, Albert; Vella, Joseph M.
2013Organizational commitment and users’ perception of ease of use : a study among bank managersVella, Joseph M.; Caruana, Albert; Pitt, Leyland F.
2012Perceived performance, equity sensitivity and organisational commitment among bank managersVella, Joseph M.; Caruana, Albert; Pitt, Leyland F.