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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Canonical marriage nullity cases in Malta on the grounds of canon 1095 of the Code of Canon Law : a content analysisFarrugia, Anne Therese
2009The capacity of sexually abused persons to marry : a canonical appraisalFarrugia, Nicolina (2009)
1922De casuum conscientiae reservatione iuxta codicem iuris canoniciFarrugia, Nikolaus
2013The concept of marriage in Maltese civil law and in canon lawSchembri, Emmanuel
2012Conformity of sentences in canonical doctrine and jurisprudenceFarrugia, Maria Carmen
2024The development of marriage in the civil law tradition with particular reference to canon lawDemicoli, Leighton John
1881-10-03Discorso inaugurale dell'Avvocato Giovanni Pullicino sul principio fondamentale e sull'importanza della legislazione : letta nella R. Universita' degli studj. il 3 Ottobre 1881Pullicino, Giovanni
1864Elenco delle tesi da servire per gli esami annuali in iscritto del III anno scolastico 1866-67 dei corsi accademici di medicina e chirurgia, di legge, e di teologia 1864-68-
2023The evolving identity and mission of the parish and the parish priest : a critical analysisSchembri, Karl Andrew (2023)
2018Forming priests for collaboration and co‑responsibility with lay ministersConway, Eamonn
2021Gregory the Great warns against simony in his lettersScerri, Hector
2011Heresy, the Hospitallers and the Roman Inquisition in 17th and 18th century MaltaRapa, Maureen (2011)
2006A historical approach to the question of psychic incapacityXuereb, Edward
1966Il valore pastorale della costituzione 'gaudium et spes' sulla Chiesa nel mondo contemporaneoGalea, Emmanuel
2006-11Il-Ħajja f'Għawdex : volume 882 : 2006Psaila, Joseph W.; Catholic Church. Diocese of Gozo (Malta)
1990Immaturity and the juridical ability to contract marriage in terms of canon 1095 of the code of canon lawBajada, Joseph
1961Impedimentum criminis.Attard Montalto, Philip
1960Important canonical enactments on the ecclesiastical benefices of the Maltese IslandsBorg, Vincent (1960)
1994Jesus and the law in St. Paul's LettersKilgallen, John J.
2050La clava e gl'intriganti suoi oppositori-