Browsing by Subject Constitutional law

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020The 2020 constitutional amendments : a legal analysisBorg, Tonio
2018-05Book Review : Small states in a legal worldCastellucci, Ignazio
1997Cittadinanza e tutela della persona : profili di diritto costituzionale e di diritto civileAlpa, Guido
1997A comparative analysis of the relationship between the Head of State and the Prime MinisterRefalo, John
1997The constitutional function of human rightsBarbera, Augusto
2007The development of asymmetric regionalism and the principle of autonomy in the new constitutional systems : a comparative approachRolla, Giancarlo
2007The European parliament's legislative power : developments, the constitution & future prospectsEngerer, Cyrus (2007)
2020Global constitutional lawAquilina, Laura
1958The Housing Act, 1949 and its relation to the theory of Jus ImperiiHolland, Patrick J.
1997I diritti naturali in diritto costituzionaleCompagna, Luigi
2013In praise of sovereigntyFrosini, Tommaso Edoardo
1848The Jesuits of Naples. A letter upon the recent expulsion of the Jesuits from NaplesWard, William Perceval
2003Obligations of non-state actors in relation to economic, social and cultural rights under the South African ConstitutionMzikenge Chirwa, Danwood
1988The powers of the president : a comparative studyRagonesi, Rudolf
2008Proposals for a constitutional reform agenda in MaltaSant, Marc
1986Protection from the deprivation of property without compensation : a comparative studyLa Rosa, Clyde
2014Questioning parliamentary supremacy over the courts yet againMifsud, Ivan
2015The relationship between the executive and the legislative branches in parliamentary democracies and semi-presidential democraciesBorg, Anthony
2002The relationship between unjust laws and unconstitutional actsXuereb, Alan (2002)
1983The right to the proper administration of justice according to Article 6 of the European Convention on Human RightsQuintano, Lawrence