Browsing by Subject Parallel processing (Electronic computers)

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006AOPL.NET : an actor-oriented parallel language for.NETBusuttil, Adrian (2006)
2002Cache-affinity scheduling for fine grain multithreadingDebattista, Kurt; Vella, Kevin; Cordina, Joseph
2021Comparing controlled system synthesis and suppression enforcementAceto, Luca; Cassar, Ian; Francalanza, Adrian; Ingólfsdóttir, Anna
2010Compensations in an imperative programming languageFrancalanza, Adrian; Pace, Gordon J.; Vella, Lydia
2005Distributed pacing of shared memoryGalea, Josef E. (2005)
2003Distributed shared variables for user-level fine grained multithreadingNickovic, Dejan (2003)
2006EUMEDGRID : grid computing in Malta and the MediterraneanVella, Kevin; Sultana, Robert; Cushing, Reggie; Ruggieri, Federico; Barbera, Roberto; Prnjat, Ognjen; Tanlongo, Federica; Andronico, Giuseppe; Karayannis, Fotis
2000Fast multi-threading on shared memory multiprocessorsCordina, Joseph (2000)
2004High-performance multithreading for windowsD'Emanuele, Karlston (2004)
2024Implementing a message-passing interpretation of the Semi-Axiomatic Sequent Calculus (SAX)Francalanza, Adrian; Tabone, Gerard; Pfenning, Frank
2013Improving decoding speed for parallel distributed video coding architecturesMicallef, Jeffrey J.; Farrugia, Reuben A.; Debono, Carl James
2002Integrating fast network communication with a user-level thread schedulerBusuttil, Steven
2010Intuitive transformation of UML2 activities into fundamental modeling concept petri nets and colored petri netsSpiteri Staines, Tony
2022Monitoring hyperproperties with circuitsAceto, Luca; Achilleos, Antonis; Anastasiadi, Elli; Francalanza, Adrian
2018Ordinary petri net matricesSpiteri Staines, Tony
2008Parallel processing over a peer-to-peer network : constructing the poor man’s supercomputerVella, Kevin; Fenech, Karl
2008Parallel processing over a peer-to-peer network constructing the poor man's supercomputer.Fenech, Karl (2008)
2010Parallelising and automating legacy control systemsCutajar, Keith (2010)
2013Separation-based reasoning for deterministic message-passing concurrent programsBorda, Aimee (2013)