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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Catalogue of pre-temple period sherds from the Maltese islandsRichard-Trémeau, Emma; Brogan, Catriona; Betts, John Charles
2018-06Celebrating the life of Dr Tania van Avendonk 1964 - 2018Mallia, Pierre
2003Encapsulating memoryBriffa, Vince
2020Foreword [Survivors II]Briffa, Vince
2010Melitensia : tezori ta' pubblikazzjonijiet Maltin : program 13Zammit, William
2021Moving placesMicallef, Cherise (2021)
2008No. 68 Redprints : the house that is destined for memories and the memories that are meant for a houseBriffa, Vince
2012The place-moment : a time-marching-on-the-spot as witnessed by the constantly displaced view of the photographic cameraBriffa, Vince
2016-02-08PLAS nature photography study tour exhibitionCentre for the Liberal Arts and Sciences; University of Malta Library
2020-01-19Priceless archive of post-war Malta photos unearthedArena, Jessica
2017Replicating life : an exploration of the traditional family photo album and the reenactment of photos in contemporary artFormosa, Lisa
2010Ritratt storiku fis-sala ewlenija tal-Għaqda Mużikali Mount CarmelAttard, Joseph Ian
2007Ritratt storiku minn grajjiet il-ĦamrunCamilleri, Walter
1989-12Ritratti ta' dariCiancio, Ines
2013Seeing JazzBriffa, Vince
2012The space between cloudsBriffa, Vince
2019Unmasked : exploring how society forces shallowness upon humanity and what remains underneath through a photography and text based publicationMadár, Enikő