Browsing by Subject Psychotherapy

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 37  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Attitudes to and knowledge of psychotherapyCutajar, Joanne
2017Cancer survivors : a study of the lived experience of what cancer patients find therapeutic in psychotherapyCassar, Gabriella (2017)
2022A comparative case control study between Innovations Team Malta and Innovations Project UK working with hard to reach young people with complex mental disordersSaliba, Andrea; Camilleri, Nigel
2006Countertransference : a qualitative study on the impact of countertransference on the counselling situation through the counsellor's perspectiveChurch, Abigail (2006)
1976Depression in general practiceZammit, V.S.
2009The effect of physical exercise on depression : the patients' perspectives.Piscopo, Bernardette
2019European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation topical review on complementary medicine and psychotherapy in inflammatory bowel diseaseTorres, Joana; Ellul, Pierre; Langhorst, Jost; Mikocka-Walus, Antonina; Barreiro-de Acosta, Manuel; Basnayake, Chamara; Sheng Ding, Nik John; Gilardi, Daniela; Katsanos, Konstantinos; Moser, Gabriele; Opheim, Randi; Palmela, Carolina; Pellino, Gianluca; Van der Marel, Sander; Vavrickam, Stephan R.
2020Evidence-based psychotherapeutic interventions for young people with mental disorders : a systematic reviewCamilleri, Nigel; Saliba, A.; Vousoura, E.; Prevender, T.; Löffler-Stastka, H.; Saliba, E.; Vella Fondcaro, D.; Sacco, R.; Markovska-Simoska, S.; Hochgerner; Tudor Tulbure, B.; Garcia-Lopez, L. J.; Ulberg, R.; Poulsen, S.; Gergov, V.
2020Evidence-based psychotherapeutic interventions for young people with mood disorders : a systematic reviewVella Fondacaro, D.; Vousoura, E.; Poulsen, S.; Torres, S.; Cosmoiu, A.; Camilleri, Nigel; Saliba, A.; Sacco, R.; Saliba, E.; Ulberg, R.; Gergov, V.; Tudor Tulbure, B.; Löffler-Stastka, H.; Prevendar, T.; Markovska-Simoska, S.; Chiarenza, G.; Garcia-Lopez, L. J.
2020-07Evidence-based psychotherapeutic interventions for young people with substance use disorder : a systematic literature review.Sacco, R.; Camilleri, Nigel; Saliba, E.; Vousoura, E.; Saliba, A.; Vella Fondcaro, D.; Loffler-Stastka, H.; Poulsen, S.; Chiarenza, G.; Ulberg, R.; Gergov, V.; Prevender, T.; Torres, S.; Tudor Tulbure, B.; Garcia-Lopez, L. J.; Hochgerner; Markovska-Simovska, S.
2008From existential experts to expert existentialistsScicluna, Rachel (2008)
2021The impact of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy in reducing PTSD symptoms in adultsSciberras, Samuel (2021)
2017Intervening after violence : therapy for couples and familiesSammut Scerri, Clarissa; Vetere, Arlene; Abela, Angela; Cooper, Jan
2014The lived experience of professionals who work with patients diagnosed with schizophrenia : a quantitative studyZerafa, Christiana
2012Mental and emotional healthOhk, Brigitte
2024-03-31Navigating the waves of lossBlundell, Renald; Caruana, Wayne
2009The nurses' perception regarding the implementation of animal-assisted therapy in a mental health setting.Spiteri, Roger
2012Optimal CBT Treatment for child sexual abuse history : individual or group therapyDebattista, Claire
2023Overthinking : the silent killer of productivityBlundell, Renald; Caruana, Wayne
2017-01Practical implications of pharmacogenetics in antidepressant treatment : the case of amitriptylineMifsud Buhagiar, Luana; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; LaFerla, Godfrey; Grech, Anton