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Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
n.d.Alcuin on the Holy Eucharist, and the ceremonies of Baptism-
2004Baptism according to Tertullian and Theodore of MopsuestiaFerris, Jonathan (2004)
2007-02Biż-żejt fil-lampa. Min jista' jirċievi s-Sagrament tal-Morda? X'effetti jhalli f'min jirċevih?Scerri, Hector
2001Catechism in preparation for Holy Communion : an evaluation and a proposalCurmi, Jennifer R. (2001)
n.d.The Catholic scripturist, or, The plea of the Roman Catholics. Shewing the scriptures to hold the Roman faith in above forty of the chief controversies now under debate. No. 8Mumford, Joseph
2007Celebrating first Holy Communion with childrenZerafa, Michelina (2007)
1994Educating the adolescent for the sacrament of reconciliation as part of religious instructionMicallef, Patricia (1994); Bezzina, Stephanie (1994)
1996The eternal freshness of Christ's messageScerri, Hector
2003The Eucharist as a source of Christian witnessDe Domenico, Elizabeth (2003)
1991The experience of the Sacrament of reconciliation todayVella, Andrea (1991)
2018Faith as a condition for sacramental marriageGouder, Anthony
2007-01Film ta' ikla jew ikla ta' veru? Tista' tisma' l-quddiesa tal-Ħadd fuq it-TV?Scerri, Hector
2002-07Il-Knisja bhala komunita` rikonciljattivaScerri, Hector
1977Il-moviment liturġiku MaltiSammut, Mario (1977)
2009-06Il-Musbieħ : Malta Nursing and Midwifery Journal : Issue 43 : June 2009Cini, Louise; Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses
1977Il-qima tal-Knisja lejn l-EwkaristijaFenech, Francis Anthony (1977)
1994Iż-żwieġ djalogu ta' mħabba prinċipji u għajnunietFenech, Francis A. (1994)
1991Marriage as a sacrament : a theology in transitionHill, Brennan R.
1999-09Mother, teacher, sister and discipleScerri, Hector
2012The Revival of Scholastic Sacramental Theology after the Publication of Aeterni PatrisScerri, Hector