Browsing by Subject Thalassemia

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 31  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1990Abnormal haemoglobins and thalassaemia in MaltaFelice, Alex; Grech, J. L.
1969Abnormalities of hemoglobin A₂Vella, Francis
1985(Aγδβ)ο-Thalassaemia in Blacks is due to a deletion of 34 kbp of DNAHenthorn, P. S.; Smithies, O.; Nakatsuji, T.; Felice, Alex; Gardiner, M. B.; Reese, A. L.; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
2016Blood, genes & youWilcockson, Scott; Borg, Joseph J.
1999Characterization and locus assignment of two α-globin variants present in the Maltese population : Hb St. Luke's [α95 (G2) Pro→ Arg] and Hb Setif [α94 (G1) Asp→ Tyr]Bezzina Wettinger, Stephanie; Galdies, Ruth; Scerri, Christian A.; Felice, Alex
1984Deletions and duplications of α or ζ globin genes in children with sickle cell anemiaFelice, Alex; McKie, Virgil C.; McKie, Kathleen Mood; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
n.d.Developmental hematology of homozygous HB C diseaseMcKie, Virgil C.; McKie, Kathleen Mood; Kutlar, A.; Felice, Alex
1985Developmental hematology of SS and SC disease in association with α-thalassemia-2Felice, Alex; Marino, E. M.; McKie, Kathleen Mood; McKie, Virgil C.
2012The effect of modifier genes on foetal haemoglobin in the Maltese population.Scerri, Gary
2012The effects of trans-regulatory loci on globin gene controlDaw, Amal Mohammed
2012The further development of DNA pooling for gene discovery and public health genomicsBugeja, Marisa
1975Haemoglobin abnormalities in the MalteseFelice, Alex
1978Hb P Nilotic – β0 thalassemia : mutation of a human hemoglobin regulatory gene?Felice, Alex; Abu-sin, Ahmed; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
1987Heart disease in thalassemia heterozygotes with sickle cell anemiaCovitz, Wesley; Felice, Alex; Milner, Paul F.; McKie, Virgil C.; McKie, Kathleen Mood; Strong, William B.; Davis, Harry C.
1987Heart disease in thalassemia heterozygotes with sickle cell anemiaCovitz, Wesley; Felice, Alex; Milner, Paul F.; McKie, Virgil C.; McKie, Kathleen Mood; Strong, William B.; Davis, Harry C.
1984Homozygous beta thalassaemia and pregnancyGrech, E.S.; Silva, L.J.P.; Savona-Ventura, Charles
1980In vitro synthesis of hemoglobin in BFU-e derived colonies of persons with an α or a β-ThalassemiaFelice, Alex; Altay, Cigdem A.; Reese, A. L.; Webber, Brooke B.; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
1991The linkage of Hb Valletta [α2β287(F3)Thr→Pro] and Hb F-Malta-I [α2Gγ2117(G19)His→Arg] in the Maltese populationKutlar, Ferdane; Felice, Alex; Grech, Joseph L.; Bannister, William H.; Kutlar, Abdullah; Wilson, Jerry B.; Webber, Brooke B.; Hu, Huaiyu; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
1981The occurrence and identification of α-thalassemia-2 among hemoglobin S heterozygotesFelice, Alex; Altay, Cigdem A.; Milner, Paul F.; Huisman, Titus Hendrik Jan
2012Pharmacogenomic reactivation of foetal heamoglobin.Grech, Laura