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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 344
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024L-ekonomija d-dar : kif tqassam l-flus?Caritas Malta; Moviment ta' Kana; Briguglio, Marie
2024L-ekonomija d-dar : kif tieħu żball!Caritas Malta; Moviment ta' Kana; Briguglio, Marie
2024L-ekonomija d-dar : kif tagħmel deċiżjoni mportantiCaritas Malta; Moviment ta' Kana; Briguglio, Marie
2024-11-20Ġimgħa b'Ġimgħa [TV programme 20th November 2024]Bonello, Josef; Borg, Claudia; Briguglio, Marie; Tabone, Catherine
2016The female labour supply response of an income tax reform in Malta : a discrete choice approachVella, Melchior
2025-01-06What six leading figures are predicting for 2025Magri, Giulia; Briguglio, Marie; Pizzuto, Andre; Stivala, Michael; Attard, Toni; Naudi, Marceline; Zahra, Tony
2024Academic oration at the Bachelor of Commerce graduation ceremonyBriguglio, Marie
2024-11-09Budget 2025 : we asked five experts about the bigger pictureMagri, Giulia; Briguglio, Marie; Xuereb, Marisa; Flask, Wayne; Galea, Maria; Attard, Maria
2024Lino Briguglio : no man is an islandBriguglio, Marie; Briguglio, Michael
2024Featured in United Nations Photo Exhibition "Not a woman’s job? Breaking Barriers in Science”University of Malta. Newspoint
2024Editorial : budgeting for quality of lifeTimes of Malta
2024Kull miżura tal-Budget se tkun xprunata lejn id-direzzjoni strateġika li rridu nieħdu l-ekonomija fihaL-Orizzont
202436% tal-istudenti jesperjenzaw ġlied fl-iskejjelCamilleri, Elaine
2024Citizen collaboration in coastal monitoring - the promise and pitfalls of digital appsBriguglio, Marie; Gann-Perkal, Hadas
2024Wellbeing in small island states - insights for policy-makersBriguglio, Marie
2024Turning the tide : policy interventions for single-use plastic waste in small islandsNguyen, Luca; Briguglio, Marie; Rojer, Guido
2024-03-25Editorial : the well-being of Malta’s young : two reports about the state of Malta’s young people are cause for concernTimes of Malta
2024-03-20Iż-żgħażagħ Maltin fost l-inqas ferħanin fl-EwropaEngland, Jade
2024-07-01The Maltese : among the most worried and stressed in the world – reportCummings, James
2024It-tfal mhux kollha f’qagħda tajba – data ġdida tikxef nuqqas ta’ sodisfazzjon taħt dehra ta’ benesseriThe Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 344