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Title: White dipping sails
Authors: Briffa, Charles
Keywords: Seamanship -- Terminology
Maltese language -- Foreign elements -- English
Maltese language -- History
Maltese language -- Foreign elements -- Italian
English language -- Malta -- Influence on Maltese
Issue Date: 1990
Publisher: University of Malta
Citation: Briffa, C. (1990). White dipping sails. Journal of Maltese Studies, 19-20, 62-70.
Abstract: The following linguistic survey of sail terminology will reveal a heavy traditional romance influence that is being gradually replaced by the modern anglicised modification and innovation in local yachting. The purpose of this study is twofold: to record dying terms and to register new changes.
Appears in Collections:JMS, Volume 19-20
JMS, Volume 19-20
Scholarly Works - FacArtTTI

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