Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2007 | The role of the community mental health nurse | Azzopardi, Daphne |
2007 | Interpersonal support system for the drug abuser during rehabilitation | Borg, Noel |
2007 | Female nurses' perceptions of physical exercise and fitness | Galea, Maria |
2007 | Physical activity amongst school children | Cremona, Renee |
2007 | Patients' views of the ward environment in a mental hospital | Galea, Karsten |
2007 | Perceived stigma shadowing mental illness : public opinion | Cilia, Rita |
2007 | The dietary habits of older adults attending a community day centre | Cauchi, Marilyn |
2007 | Maltese patients' perceptions of the quality of nursing care on medical wards | Formosa, Lucianne |
2007 | Verbal and written communication in the theatre transfer area | Faenza, Rachel |
2007 | Primary health care nurses' views on nurse prescribing | Debono, Marika |
2007 | The nurses' perception of the relationship indicators between themselves and hospitalized patients with dementia | Spiteri, Peter |
2007 | Children's views of the paediatric ward environment | Bugeja, Lara |
2007 | Nutritional and exercise needs in clients on haemodialysis | Brincat, Joseph (2007) |
2007 | Keeping healthy and active in old age : a survey carried out in a residential home | Mifsud, Justin Lee |
2011 | Parents' perceptions of their participation in the care of their hospitalised children | Micallef, Vanessa |
2007 | Adolescents' perceptions of HIV and Aids | Micallef, Mariella |
2007 | Parental concerns about their child suffering from epilepsy | Micallef, Maria Alda |
2007 | Adolescents' perceptions of mental health problems | Said, Amanda |
2007 | Nurses' perceptions of the use of humour in emergency nursing | Mangion, Justine |
2007 | Students' views about supervision of nursing students by clinical staff | Marletta, Mariella |