Dissertations - FacHScNur - 2007 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 33
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007The role of the community mental health nurseAzzopardi, Daphne
2007Interpersonal support system for the drug abuser during rehabilitationBorg, Noel
2007Female nurses' perceptions of physical exercise and fitnessGalea, Maria
2007Physical activity amongst school childrenCremona, Renee
2007Patients' views of the ward environment in a mental hospitalGalea, Karsten
2007Perceived stigma shadowing mental illness : public opinionCilia, Rita
2007The dietary habits of older adults attending a community day centreCauchi, Marilyn
2007Maltese patients' perceptions of the quality of nursing care on medical wardsFormosa, Lucianne
2007Verbal and written communication in the theatre transfer areaFaenza, Rachel
2007Primary health care nurses' views on nurse prescribingDebono, Marika
2007The nurses' perception of the relationship indicators between themselves and hospitalized patients with dementiaSpiteri, Peter
2007Children's views of the paediatric ward environmentBugeja, Lara
2007Nutritional and exercise needs in clients on haemodialysisBrincat, Joseph (2007)
2007Keeping healthy and active in old age : a survey carried out in a residential homeMifsud, Justin Lee
2011Parents' perceptions of their participation in the care of their hospitalised childrenMicallef, Vanessa
2007Adolescents' perceptions of HIV and AidsMicallef, Mariella
2007Parental concerns about their child suffering from epilepsyMicallef, Maria Alda
2007Adolescents' perceptions of mental health problemsSaid, Amanda
2007Nurses' perceptions of the use of humour in emergency nursingMangion, Justine
2007Students' views about supervision of nursing students by clinical staffMarletta, Mariella
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 33

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