Dissertations - FacMKSMC - 1992-2014 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 468
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2000Producing three public service announcements for an agency against alcohol and drug abuseDegiorgio Aquilina, Nicky (2000)
2013The metonymic representation of Middle Earth : an analysis of costume characterization in Peter Jackson's Rings TrilogyPisani, Michelle Holly (2013)
1999The vehicle selection process in the local TV media planPisani, Marie-Claire (1999)
2010Environmental advertising : consumer processing of true green and green wash advertisementsPisani, Leigh (2010)
2013Understanding meaning : a qualitative analysis of intention and interpretation in public service announcementsDebono, David (2013)
2003Shifts in portrayal : an analysis of the way gender portrayal changed from the 1980s to todayDebono, Michaela (2003)
2009Creating a communication strategy for a Maltese gay rights organisationPeregin, Christian (2009)
2001Television news and the youth audiencePenza, Gordon (2001)
2003Market segmentation in Malta : the extent of the practical application of the theory of market segmentation in the retail market for clothes in MaltaPecorella, Katrina (2003)
2003A qualitative analysis of the stereotypical representations within Disney texts and the audiences' reactions from a media education perspectiveParis, Paula (2003)
2013John 14 : evangelizing through televisionPapagiorcopulo, Kevin (2013)
2008An analysis on the impact of hope and organizational support on job performancePalmier, Michael (2008)
2004The glocal touch : why global brand strategies are being tailored to suit local tastesPalmier, Lindsay (2004)
2012Film-making in Malta : an insight into the local talent and hurdles of forthcoming productionsPace, Kristina (2012)
2008The media on climate change mitigation : a critical perspectivePace, Gustav (2008)
2004Customer service : loyalty and satisfactionPace, Fiorella (2004)
2012I shot the serif : the effect of typography on the communication messagePace, Dale (2012)
1997Newspaper content during the 1996 Maltese electionPace, Claudette (1997)
2010Female constructing female : an analysis of cinematic codes and narrative systems in films by two women directorsDebono, Christine (2010)
2001Advertising on the information superhighway : a commercial big bang or a melt down? : an audience perspective.Pace, Alexia (2001)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 468

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