Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2000 | Producing three public service announcements for an agency against alcohol and drug abuse | Degiorgio Aquilina, Nicky (2000) |
2013 | The metonymic representation of Middle Earth : an analysis of costume characterization in Peter Jackson's Rings Trilogy | Pisani, Michelle Holly (2013) |
1999 | The vehicle selection process in the local TV media plan | Pisani, Marie-Claire (1999) |
2010 | Environmental advertising : consumer processing of true green and green wash advertisements | Pisani, Leigh (2010) |
2013 | Understanding meaning : a qualitative analysis of intention and interpretation in public service announcements | Debono, David (2013) |
2003 | Shifts in portrayal : an analysis of the way gender portrayal changed from the 1980s to today | Debono, Michaela (2003) |
2009 | Creating a communication strategy for a Maltese gay rights organisation | Peregin, Christian (2009) |
2001 | Television news and the youth audience | Penza, Gordon (2001) |
2003 | Market segmentation in Malta : the extent of the practical application of the theory of market segmentation in the retail market for clothes in Malta | Pecorella, Katrina (2003) |
2003 | A qualitative analysis of the stereotypical representations within Disney texts and the audiences' reactions from a media education perspective | Paris, Paula (2003) |
2013 | John 14 : evangelizing through television | Papagiorcopulo, Kevin (2013) |
2008 | An analysis on the impact of hope and organizational support on job performance | Palmier, Michael (2008) |
2004 | The glocal touch : why global brand strategies are being tailored to suit local tastes | Palmier, Lindsay (2004) |
2012 | Film-making in Malta : an insight into the local talent and hurdles of forthcoming productions | Pace, Kristina (2012) |
2008 | The media on climate change mitigation : a critical perspective | Pace, Gustav (2008) |
2004 | Customer service : loyalty and satisfaction | Pace, Fiorella (2004) |
2012 | I shot the serif : the effect of typography on the communication message | Pace, Dale (2012) |
1997 | Newspaper content during the 1996 Maltese election | Pace, Claudette (1997) |
2010 | Female constructing female : an analysis of cinematic codes and narrative systems in films by two women directors | Debono, Christine (2010) |
2001 | Advertising on the information superhighway : a commercial big bang or a melt down? : an audience perspective. | Pace, Alexia (2001) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 468